Excerpt from the Musical "Time"
"Your life is an expression of your mind. You are the creator of your own universe. For as a human being you are free to will whatever state of being you desire, through the use of your thoughts and words. There is great power there, it can be a blessing or a curse; it's entirely up to you.
For the quality of your life is bought about by the quality of your thinking.
Think about that.
Thoughts produce actions.
Look at what you are thinking, see the pettiness and the envy and the greed
and the fear and all the other attitudes.
See the effect that it has on those around you.
For each life is linked and your words carry with then chain reactions,
like a stone that is thrown into a pond.
If your thinking is in order your words will flow directly from the heart creating ripples of love.
If you truly want to change your world my friend you must change your thinking.
Reason is your greatest tool.
It creates an atmosphere of understanding which leads to caring which is love.
Choose your words with care."
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Creativity & Inspiration
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