Virtual Teacher


by CATHY BROWN No:261 03 03 2023
Hello Everyone,
I hope you're having a great day today!
I had some fun this week with........
The Polygon Mosaic as loads of fun and covered multiple areas, art, maths, ICT and splendid results. The kiddos were so keen on the animated gifs that we launched in maximum creativity with amazing results for their website Avatars.

As Easter aproaches you might want to take a look at some of the Easter ideas on the Virtual Teacher website.

Have a great week, whatever you're getting up to.


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Use draw tool from drive under “create New”
Use the Polygon tool
What does Polygon mean?
‘Poly’ means many ‘gon’ means angles.

Avoid blue background or image.

Mrs Brown’s Tutorial


The animated gifs above, the polygon and the Crackin' Easter, were rather fun to make. The kiddos loved them.

Check out the non digital versions the kiddos made, ovals, a triangle and 2 x circles.
There are some fantastic Easter lonks on VirtualTeacher.The printouts are great, and the marshmallow bunny is a very enjoyable edible activity.
And, since we are talking about chickens, here's a rather interesting article on "Why did the Chicken cross the road?". Yes! that old chestnut. It, once again, shows teachers know what they're talking about.
Easy Easter Basket Templates Template 1 Template 2
Origami Maniacs 111: Easter Bunny - Fabulous Video - I love this activity, easy to follow instructions as well as a video.And here's a fabulous Easter card from Krotak.
With instructions and a video.
Love it.


The kids have been soooo keen to make animated gifs.
We decided to make them and use them as avatars on the websites we are building. Each person makes one, these are then placed on a class page and linked to their individual websites. the websites are great as they act as digital portfolios to upload excellent work throughout the year.
The Process is Simple as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

2. Login with the education account. (Education Accounts have more options)
3. "Create a Design" with a custom size of 500 x 500pixels.
4. Use "Elements" to search for something that represents you, eg 3D people,cartoon head, butterfly etc.
5. Add other "Elements" like fireworks or animations, or just glasses and images.
6. GOTO the animate button at the top and select your animation.

7. Download your file using the share button, click download and scroll down to the gif option. Then download to your computer.
8. Submit file to google classroom. This can be used everywhere and uploaded from your desktop.
You'll be amazed at how inventive kiddos can be and how they apply this to everything else with amazing results.


We have some great fun with Gold Panning.

So, I have I have been reminiscing about great STEM lessons, and being Geologist, one of my favourites was the gold panning we did. Check it out here:

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The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email.
Editor: Cathy Brown
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