Virtual Teacher


by CATHY BROWN No:256 25 07 2022
Hello Everyone,
I hope you're having a great day today!
Just left my old job, it is tinged with a great deal of sadness as well as excitement for the new adventure. I received the best compliment from a student ever.
Seems there has been a bit of a shift in education toward more testing and collection data. A hands off approach. Once this occurs the school priorities change and tests and data collection become the focus, they do so at the expense of empathy, creativity, adventure, wonder, thinking and agency. Check out Death by Bell Curve below.

I love these Dr K videos, they are mesmerising. So great to watch someone do what they love and inspire others. DR K is a well-known legendary impromptu piano player in the UK train stations.

If you find yourself enjoying Virtual teacher then share it with a friend or seven. Here's the link to Virtual teacher just click on the subscribe link.
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if you'd like to Support VT it costs just $20.00 per year. Thanks in advance it helps a lot and covers the cost of hosting and distribution of the newsletter.

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1. Pan and Sluice for Gold.
2. Take Photos & Videos(maximum length 30sec).
3. Make a Book Creator Book About GOLD
4. Answer at least 4 questions, there are some attached to the QR Code Gold Sheet. Or make up your own questions.
5. Airserver it to the EWB, so we can all share, press autoplay and the readme option(make sure your sound is turned up).
Watch the video of the fun we had, Gold Pannning and Sluicing. Send me in your video(you can screen record your bookcreator book and send it through) so I can see what your get up to.
DOWNLOAD QR Codes for Gold pdf


WHY do we tell 80% of children that they are “AVERAGE.”
WHO wants to hear this, EVER?

My heart breaks for the kids that will have to suffer through so many moments of boring, unengaging, irrelevant lessons, squashing creativity, collaboration, communication, critical thinking, community, and fun because they’re doing tests or prepping for tests.
Kids who sacrifice all this boringness, only to take the test and then be told:-

“You are “AVERAGE.” Nothing special here, nothing to see.”

I don’t want to tell my kids they are AVERAGE

What do you think?
Do you think this current hyper testing is an issue in teaching?


The Jimmy Webb was launched on Christmas Day 2021 and is now orbiting the sun at a distance of 1 million miles from Earth. It’s by far the most advanced telescope ever launched into space, making its predecessor, the 32-year-old Hubble Space Telescope, seem like the standard-definition TV compared to HD.

It can detect celestial objects that are roughly 100x fainter than what Hubble.
The JWST can observe celestial objects in infrared, allowing it to see so deep into space.

Astronomers may unlock the secrets of the universe over its 13.8 billion-year history. Because when you gaze at an image of far-away space objects, you’re not just seeing something that’s incredibly distant—you’re peering way, way back in time.
The light from the galaxies of the first telescope image released Monday is 4.6 billion years old, which is the age of the earth. Astronomers are hoping that the James Webb’s time machine could transport us to the BIG BANG.
Or perhaps just what YOU had for breakfast.

Check out the latest images here.


Ventusky - AMAZING Wind, Rain and Temperature Maps
A stunning interactive weather map, unlike any other, it shows real-world conditions.

Pull up all kinds of weather stats, including temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, and wind speed, with swirling lines and patches of splendid colour-coded data, they are a joy to simply gaze at.

Search specifically for a particular region or view the whole mesmerizing world, and prepare to be WOWed!


Check out the video. Check out the video here
The task was
To create a landscape using sand in a tote tray and draw it.
Use 1 cup of water to simulation weathering, erosion and depostion.
Draw your landscape after adding the water.

This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better. OK I'm trusting you!!!

1. GOT SOMETHING TO SAY - Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.
2. NOMINATE A BRILLIANT SITE for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
3. NOMINATE A FANTASTIC SCHOOL WEBSITE site for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
4. MAKE CONTACT with other schools using fantastic programs.
5. WRITE and innovative article for this newsletter.
6. TELL 2 COLLEAGUES about this newsletter.
7. BECOME A VT SUPPORTER CLICK HEREand keep a good thing going. Your name + a hyperlink if you, like will appear on our supporters list.(unless anonymity is requested)
Announce your support for innovation and change in Education.
The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email.
Editor: Cathy Brown
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© Cathy Brown 1998 - 2025 © All images & Videos Cathy Brown Located in Sydney NSW Australia all rights reserved.
No unauthorised reproduction without written permission. Webmaster & Designer - Cathy L. Brown

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Virtual Teacher is committed to ensuring that our AI systems & assistants are used responsibly & ethically. Our AI is designed to support educators & students by providing personalized learning experiences, enhancing engagement & promoting understanding. We prioritize the safety, privacy, & security of our users, ensuring that our AI tools operate transparently & align with the best practices in the industry.
The NSW AI AssessmentFramework requires self assessment to deterimin Determine whether your system / project should use the AIAF. All AI projects used by Virtual TEacher are Low Risk or No Risk applications. Check out the Risk Evaluation page attached.

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