Virtual Teacher


Valentine’s Day, also called Saint Valentine’s Day, is a holiday on February 14th celebrating love and friendship. Approximately 150 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine's Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas. Since the early history literature, love has been a major contributor to many poems, plays, stories, and novels. Love is a particularly interesting subject because it seems simple but it is most complex with many possible variables, and it also ignites great passion.

Love - What is it? How do you find it in the 21st century? How is it commercialized?

Let's Begin…
Is love a signal winding through your neural pathways? A cliché? A cult? Love is easy to compare but difficult to define, maybe because we’re fundamentally biased; we try to define love while falling in or out of it. And love feels differently to every person who feels it, but this subjective emotion has evolutionary explanations, too. Brad Troeger takes a shot at the definition of love.

Here’s a great Video to start the discussion from TED-ED

CELEBRATE by finding out what your students love, what they are passionate about, what their interests are.
GET THEM TALKING about their interests and passions with peers, parents and mentors.
ENCOURAGE students to ask questions and find answers about their passions.
EXPOSE them to amazing things, great ideas and passionate people.
INSPIRE them to write and read about their passions.
EMPOWER students to find and explore their passions.
MENTOR them in their discoveries.
Their interests and passions may persist or change, this is quite OK. You will be giving a gift this Valentine's Day
(Kids who love what they are a dream to teach and you will fall inlove with teaching all over again)

Ten Greatest Love Stories in History
100 Great Romance Movies
Valentine’s Day in Australia
Valentine's Day Around the World Time and Date
This site give a quick run down of Valentine's Day around the World.
Take a look at the Valentine's Traditions in your country and compare to other countries.



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No unauthorised reproduction without written permission. Webmaster & Designer - Cathy L. Brown

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