Virtual Teacher


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Newton's Laws Of Motion (3): Action And Reaction Real Astronauts in zero gravity demonstrating Newton's third Law


Balloon Rockets: a fun, at-home science experiment
Make a Balloon rocket from SciShow Kids
Balloon Rocket Challenge pdf FROM VT
Balloon Jousting Great Video on Balloon jousting, love the discussion between the kids - real scientists.
Rocket Launch Here's a real rocket launch


Wildy Creative Balloon Cars
Designing different balloon cars 4-Wheel Balloon Car Design Squad
Balloon Racers - Great video of a motley variety of homemade balloon racers



Mathemateer - ROCKET Maths App $2.00
Mathemateer App - students get to build their own rocket to shoot into space. Once they have built the initial rocket they can complete math missions to earn more money to allow them to customize their rocket even more.

Students love to complete the math missions so they can make their rocket bigger, fancier & prettier.

Watch the Video for a quick overview.



For more advanced souls check out the NASA 2 stage balloons Rockets
Also At the NASA are History of Rockets, principles of Rockets, Beginner's guide to Rockets, and an extensive list of resources. 
Check out How Astronauts are effected by SPACE 
Explore the NASA Site it is amazing!!
An Astronaut's Guide to life on Earth
Take a look at the Video from an "Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth"
Great Video. Discuss why Astronaut's need special clothing - What is it for?
How do eat a Peanut butter sandwich in space. 
1. What are the problems? 2. What are the solutions? 3. What are the steps?
“It’s not enough to shelve your own competitive streak. You have to try, consciously, to help others succeed.”
― Chris Hadfield, An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth
Stories read in space by astronauts - Love this.

© Cathy Brown 1998 - 2025 © All images & Videos Cathy Brown Located in Sydney NSW Australia all rights reserved.
No unauthorised reproduction without written permission. Webmaster & Designer - Cathy L. Brown

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