READ THE WARNING ABOUT BUTTON BATTERIES mentioned below. Before doing the Light it Up activity.


by CATHY BROWN No:240 10 03 2019
Hello Everyone,
Easter will soon be here, there are lots of links below for some great activities. And here, of course, is the T-RexaBunny.
I loved Caine's Arcade, do watch the
video it's fabulous to see a passionate persistent kid who is this self-motivated.

I use a lot of video and still photography in the classroom, which I show the students to review and reflect on lessons, and also send to parents. When students know their work has public attention, it changes the nature of how and what they learn.
Using this type of technology enhances outcomes.

Support VT it costs just $10.00 per year. Thanks in advance it helps a lot and covers the cost of hosting and distribution of the newsletter AND I will send you the FREE Link to the 4BIG IDEAS ebook. Take a look at some of the pages here.

To become a VT supporter. Just click on this link & support VT. DO THIS Spread the Word about VT, email this newsletter to someone you think might love it they can Subscribe for FREE.
And send in your Impossible ideas.


Herman Munster Wisdom Video This is a great little short video from the Munsters 30secs
It's not the outside that matters but it's what the inside that does matter.

Creativity and here's why I love it....
"When you realise that you just came up with an idea that betters anything that has been done, well, your hair stands up on end, and you feel an incredible sense of awe..."

Who'd have thought - finally found the I in TEAM.


Be inspired by Caine's Arcade
This is the starting point for my next STEM project. I am so excited about it. What a fabulous video, what a persistent, creative and focussed kid. Its great to see a kid with so much passion.
Caine’s Arcade is a short film about a 9 year old boy’s cardboard arcade, and his dream of having customers. The 11 minute short film became a global phenomenon, with over 10 million views online. It received international media attention and was added to MoMA’s permanent collection.
It has inspired millions of cardboard creations all over the world, and now that I have discovered it, it has inspired me.
The filmmaker, Nirvan Mullick, set up a scholarship fund for Caine as part of the film. His documentary style video is also worth analysing, it is engaging and effective.
Caine's Website
The whole school day is a rush between meetings, preparation, writing their program, testing, Naplan, writing reports, getting and maintaining accreditation, data entry, documenting everything etc. In fact, since the introduction of the Professional Teaching Standards in 2011, no-one has any time. Everyone is so busy documenting their own teaching practice they have no time. No time to assist beginning teachers, no time to assist and support colleagues, in many cases the profession has become adversarial as teachers compete for positions and make themselves "look" employable for new advancement positions. The demands of the job have simply become too much.
"Experienced teachers have had enough," Professor Riley says.
Comments like
I don't know how much longer I can take this"
I love teaching but 80% of the time you are doing something else and not teaching."
I need a break
Teachers are leaving the profession in significant numbers — the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggest 53 percent of people who hold a teaching degree, do not currently work in education.
Although the figure varies by locality, about 40 to 50 percent of our newest teachers leave within their first five years on the job.
Why are they leaving
These graduates are leaving for various reasons, but similar themes recur: they feel burnt out, unsupported, frustrated and disillusioned.
There must be a better way.
1. The International Baccalaureate Curriculum is a fully developed curriculum supplied to teachers, they do not program, they implement an existing program. A huge amount of teacher time could be reduced by implementing this system in Australian schools.
2. Testing should be drastically reduced and if required should be conducted online and automatically marked with results feeding into individual student reports.
3. Report writing should be streamlined, all data entry should be automated directly from existing programs students are working on, eg Mathletics, Reading Eggs etc. REport categories should be reduced. Reporting on individual outcomes removed.
4. Reduction of administrative task undertaken by teachers from the current 80% to say 20% by using automation and administrative staff.
Get back time to be creative and inspiring and collegial, and let teachers do the job they love - teaching


LEDs - The kids loved this activity we made also sorts of shapes from the silver foil, Christmas trees, stars, cars, lighthouses etc. These little batteries were 1.5 volts. I used batteries up to 9 volts, so that we could run more LEDs in the artwork. I purchased 200 of these LEDs 5mm from an ebay store bay store for just over $5.00AUS - Free postage, and they have been so much fun to work with. The batteries I also purchased in bulk online, for very little.

There are some fantastic Easter sites on VirtualTeacher.
The printouts are great, and the marshmallow bunny is a very enjoyable edible activity. And since we are talking about chickens, here's a rather interesting article on "Why did the Chicken cross the road?". Yes! that old chestnut. It, once again, shows teachers know what they're talking about.

Easy Easter Basket Templates Template 1 Template 2

Origami Maniacs 111: Easter Bunny - Fabulous Video - I love this activity, easy to follow instructions as well as a video.
And here's a fabulous Easter card from Krotak. With instructions and a video. Love it.
I do answer all emails, so send them along with your questions ideas and great sites.

Hi Cathy,
I'm Saura. I have two daughters, 10 and 11 years old. I care about my children's internet safety and often read related web pages. Recently, I've found an in-depth internet safety guide for parents and kids. It's an awesome step-by-step instruction to follow in 2019.
I wonder if you could help me to share this guide among other parents. For example, you might add it to your ''Internet Safety'' page.
Please, let me know what you think of it. Thanks!
Best wishes,
Saura Bala
Thanks Saura, a good resource.
This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better. OK I'm trusting you!!!
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The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email or tweet me.
Editor: Cathy Brown
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