I have had the most wonderful time this last month exploring Maths Talks, some amazing ideas and strategies from the students from K-6.
The Yohaku's were great and everyone was keen to find solutions and also make up there own for others to try.
Then, of course, the Flextangles were the icing on the cake. We actually set up an experts' roster on sticky notes so the kids could help each other. So much co-operation so much creativity, so much maths chat.
And what outcomes or standards did we address - all of them? Co-operation, creative thinking, clear communication of ideas, strategic thinking, practice of number facts, mathematical terminology to name just a few.
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KROKOTAK is a fabulous art/craft site.
I loved the 2D to 3D cats.
The pictures of the cat are here:
The pdf template for the cat is here
Also the rainy day is very clever and
has an accompanying video.
There are lots of great ideas throughout the site.
A fabulous strategy for helping your kids develop number sense is by engaging in Number Talks.
This is a strategy where kids work out maths problems mentally, without written work, and then use a subtle hand gesture to indicate that they have found a solution. check out Jo's Talk on youcubed. Number Talks
THE PROBLEM mentioned in the video is 5 x 18 this is discussed in the Maths Talk and student's strategies illustrated on the whiteboard. An amazing array of mathematical thinking.
Where the Teacher models the use of Number Talks to help develop numerical reasoning and strategy development in a stage 1 class.
THEN Do a YOHAKU and use some of the Number Talk Strategies.
A Fabulous maths puzzle, which will test your number sense and problem-solving skills.
It can be either addition or multiplication. Your task is to fill in the empty cells so that they give the sum or product shown in each row or column.
The Japanese word Yohaku means white or empty space. And I love to fill in empty spaces.
We have been playing around with these for a few days and have absolutely loved them, they are quite addictive. The mathematical discussions taking place are amazing.
The strategies, solutions and techniques so varied.
Guess and check, start with the top corner, find the common factors, look for patterns.
See how you go with the ones below.
You can also take a look at the google sheets version by Alice Keeler which is fabulous if you use google docs and it generates unlimited puzzles, so students are not all doing the same thing. Conditional formatting automatically checks the student’s work so they get immediate feedback.
Flextangles are soooo!!! cool Splendid maths fun.
Flextangles are paper models that can be flexed to reveal hidden faces. They were originally created by Princeton graduate student Arthur Stone in 1939 and became a huge fad when Martin Gardner published them in The Scientific American years later. There is an incredible number of different flexagon types. |
WATCH the Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pta1R7g05Xg
The kids loved making them but BEWARE they require persistence, careful and very firm creasing and patience. Crease all the lines and dotted lines as per instructions very firmly and wait till the glue dries.
Lots of kids thought their Flextangles weren't working but they were. You do need to ease them in on the first few flexes, and patiently work them till they are moving easily.
After making them we had lots of discussions: How many vertices?How many edges? How many shapes? How many lines of symmetry? And of course - PROVE IT. |
I do answer all emails so send them along with your questions ideas and great sites.
Hi Cathy,
Thanks for giving me your card the other day at Bondi Public School. If you’d like to spread the word about my readings of Dinner Detectives you can add this link to your communications: https://www.dinnerdetectives.com.au
Here, teachers can download our excellent Teachers Notes, watch a video of us reading at Bourke Street Public and book their own reading.
Thanks again!
Yves Stening
PublishCreative Books
Surry Hills NSW
It's great to see authors about and about in schools. The kids loved hearing all about Tagliatelle.
Yves is available for author visits - a great idea with book week coming up. And this book offers a great opportunity to make some splendid pasta - with recipe included.
Check out Yves site - there is a link to book an author visit, links to purchase the books - so very easy and the teachers' notes are a great addition.
Dear Cathy,
I just finished writing a guide that is even more detailed, updated and comprehensive on 9 amazing benefits of technology in the classroom, and includes suggestions on 15 best ways to incorporate technology in the classroom. It is packed with practical tips and advice and completely free. You can find it here: https://www.jenreviews.com/classroom-technology/
If you like the guide we’d be humbled if you cited us in your article. Of course, we will also share your article with our 50k newsletter subscribers and followers across our social platforms.
Either way, keep up the great work!
Thanks for the resource Jesse.I'll put it in my next newsletter. An interesting read and good fodder for staff meeting chats.
This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better. OK I'm trusting you!!!
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The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email or tweet me.
Editor: Cathy Brown cathy@virtualteacher.com.au
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