Here's hoping it will be a great one. Speaking of great, I have been fiddling around with the METAVERSE APP, I have really enjoyed it. Take a look, it may be just the way to charge up your New Year.
I've also enjoyed making the DECOTROPES, great opportunity for discovery learning.
ENJOY And let me know what you love.
To support VT it costs just $10.00 per year. Thanks in advance it helps a lot and covers the cost of hosting and distribution of the newsletter. AND I will send you the FREE Link to the 4BIG IDEAS ebook. Take a look at some of the pages here.
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Send in your Impossible ideas.
You can also download a direct link icon to your iPad. Just click on the download button and then the + sign to add to your home screen.
“Metaverse is a new medium, potentially the invention of a new genre of interactive storytelling… The opportunities that exist for storytellers large and small are staggering.” Michael Eisner, former CEO of Disney
KROKOTAK is a fabulous art/craft site.
I loved the 2D to 3D cats.
The pictures of the cat are here:
The pdf template for the cat is here
Also the rainy day is very clever and
has an accompanying video.
There are lots of great ideas throughout the site.
Metaverse is a fabulous augmented reality app which is FREE and the easiest way to create AR without writing one line of code. YEAH!
I love the Metaverse app, it has all the elements of a great APP
2. Easy USER interface
3. Easy to get started BUT offering more complex options as you learn more.
4. Easy and fabulous support
If your students love POKEMON GO
they will love creating their own version using Metaverse.
There is great support online with live chat right on the site and YES they actually do respond. Metaverse has an amazing support group for teachers through their Facebook group, YouTube Tutorials, and on Twitter.
From the Metaverse Community
Creating AR EXPERIENCES is easy, takes minutes, & anyone can do it
Experiences are built in Metaverse Studio in your browser at https://gometa.io/ then arrange components on a “Storyboard” and linking them together. Hundreds of components can be combined to create almost anything.Experiences are instantly viewable on iPhone, iPad, Androids, or Chromebooks using the free Metaverse App.
This is a great place to start...........
Condiment Switcher on Youtube is great for a "Create your own Adventure"Experience
Create Your Own Adventure 1
Use this site for some cool adventures follow tutorials from 1 through 10 tutorials
1. To Get Started, GOTO https://gometa.io/ CREATE account username email password and login, on your computer.
3. Then work through the rest of the tutorials on this 1 - 10
BABBLE DABBLE is a fabulous website with some great ideas.
It has some amazing Art, Science, Engineering and Creative Projects. One of the project ideas is the Decoptrope.
I love illusions as you know, I have dedicated a whole page on my website to illusions and this one will be added to list. LOVE IT

The Science Behind The DECOTROPE
Decotropes and Thaumatropes are an example of persistence of vision. This is a phrase used to describe how our brain combines multiple images together when they are rapidly flashed in front of the eyes. This is the basis for film in fact. All movies are simply long strings of still images flashed in quick succession in front of the eyes. Most movies are played at 24 frames per second, meaning there are 24 still images per second flashing in front of you. It is thought that the brain perceives anything from upwards of about 10 frames per second as motion. This is about as fast as you can thumb through a flipbook. And the Name: Trope is the part of the word that means turning around and Deco stands for decorative.
DESCRIBE what you observe - what is happening when you spin the Decotrope, what do you see.
RESEARCH the scientific explanation for this phenomena.
EXPLANATION write an explanation of the phenomena
DESIGN & MAKE your own Decoptrope
PREDICT what you will see when you spin it.
FEEDBACK send in your kids constructions, and I will publish them here.
CHALLENGE Prove the concept. Use Stop Motion app to photograph each side of your DECOTROPE
make sure it is in exactly the same place each time - use a tripod and position accurately. Photograph each side of your DECOTROPE at least 10 times. Then you can multiple select the slides and copy and paste them. Increase the frame speed to 24 frames. Check it out - what happens? Describe what you see..
The Ages of Technological and Socio-Political Advancement
The timeline details technological and socio-political advancement for sentient life on Earth and eventually elsewhere in the Universe. The time span from 7 million B.C. up to the present is based on legitimate archaeological discoveries and historical records. Everything after that is based partly on current scientific theories and partly on my own speculations through to the Ascendant Age - 300 million A.D. to 3 billion A.D.
What do you think our future will hold?
Do you think these predictions will happen?
Which one is the most amazing?
I do answer all emails so send them along with your questions ideas and great sites.
Hello Cathy,
We’re a Girl Scout troop reaching out to give a big thanks for your wonderful page, http://www.virtualteacher.com.au/robotics.html since it’s been extremely useful to us! We recently started to learning about robotics as a means to help my Brownie Scouts earn their ‘Designing Robots’ badge. The girls are super excited to get started on designing their very own robots!
If you decided to add it to your resources, I'd love to show my girls that their suggestion was up and running to help others out! It would also help them feel that they contributed positively to the lives of others. We do our absolute best to follow the Girl Scout slogan of "Do a good turn daily." :)
Please let us know what you think and thank you again!
Best Wishes,
Cindy Powell and her Brownie Scouts
Hi Cindy,
This looks like a great site, so tell your girls I will put it up on the website an into the next news, enter due out shortly. To get the newsletter just sign up online - it’s free, or check back on the website.
This newsletter there are a couple of cool things they might in enjoy. The metaverse app, is great and lets you set up simple Pokémon go type of experiences without coding, using a simple interface.
Anyhow, please thank the girls for me and good luck with the robots. Love to hear how they go, if they write a short outline of their story and include some pictures I can include that in the newsletter as well.
Have a great day.
Dear Editor,
My name is Jillian and I’m a writer at Sports Fitness Advisor. I was doing research on tennis training and just finished reading your wonderful blog post: http://www.virtualteacher.com.au/sport.html
I just finished writing a guide that is even more detailed, updated and comprehensive on tennis training. It is spread over multiple pages (30k+ words in total) and packed with practical tips and advice. This is completely free and you can find it here: https://www.sport-fitness-advisor.com/tennis-training.html
If you like the guide we’d be humbled if you cited us in your article. Of course, we will also share your article with our 50k newsletter subscribers and followers across our social platforms.
Either way, keep up the great work!
Hi Jillian,
Interesting article - I like kids to do research into developing fitness programs and this article fits that bill well.
I'll put it in the next newsletter. Alos if you could spread the word about VirtualTeacher anywhere on your site that would be great.
Just reaching out once more with some STEM education resources that I thought you may like to add to this page on your site: http://www.virtualteacher.com.au/maths.html. I know it can be tricky to track down these types of lesson plans and tools, so I hope you’ll consider adding them for your own use and for the benefit of your fellow educators!
Thanks, Stacy
Hi Stacy
Thanks for this Stacey. I will check these out in the New year and add to my newsletter.
This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better. OK I'm trusting you!!!
1. GOT SOMETHING TO SAY - Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.
2. NOMINATE A BRILLIANT SITE for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
3. NOMINATE A FANTASTIC SCHOOL WEBSITE site for review and inclusion in this newsletter. 4. MAKE CONTACT with other schools using fantastic programs. 5. WRITE and innovative article for this newsletter.
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The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email or tweet me.
Editor: Cathy Brown cathy@virtualteacher.com.au
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