by CATHY BROWN No:245 07 06 2020
Hello Everyone,
CoVid has consumed my last few months with a great deal of online learning. It has been amazing seeing people jump to a digital learning environment during this time. Folk who were technophobes have embraced google docs and other online learning platforms, and well, are just doing it. Years of work in tutorials and seminars have been compressed into weeks, and many teachers are proclaiming they will never go back and will use online technology FOREVER.

There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen” – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

It feels very much like this now. I have been busy putting together online lessons that can be completed at home and also at school. What fun!! So the VirtualTeacher Youtube Channel has exploded. Check out the Online Seminars
You are welcome to use any of them for FREEEEE!
What's next? Well we are doing STOP FRAME ANIMATION and The Magic of Magnetism. So stay tuned for some great ideas.
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And send in your Impossible ideas.



Check out some of the STEM Tutorial Playlist videos on the Virtual Teacher Youtube Channel
These were all filmed to support online and inclass learning during CoVid. They were a lot of fun to make. One of my favourites is Rapunzel and the ZIP LINE designed for ES1 and Stage 1 and Captain NEMO and the UNderWater City - designed for STAGE 2 - 3, and activity in a series to introduce Google Docs as well as investigate some maths.


Make Rapunzel Build a Tower Make a Zip Line

You will need:-
Sticky tape, cardboard, lego or duplo or cardboard cylinders other building materials, paperclips, textas and whatever else you can imagine. You can use coat hangers and also pipe cleaners clips.
1. HOOK – View the Video and discuss. Do you think you can help Rapunzel escape? How do you think the Zip Line will work?
Stop the video if you need along the way to make your prediction.
2. MAKE Rapunzel. Be creative. You can even use some lego or duplo people.
3. BUILD your tower.
4. PREDICT how you will hold the Zip Line. Explain why you think it will work.
5. TEST your Zip Line.
6. INCREASE the steepness of you Zip Line, what happens?
7. PHOTOGRAPH your tower and your Zip Line or draw a picture and label it.
8. WRITE down what happened. Describe how you helped Rapunzel escape from the tower.
9. UPLOAD labelled photos or drawings of the Rapunzel escape to Google Classroom or save them on an iPad.Maybe you will be in the next video.
1. CHECK out a real Zip Line in this video "Professor Science explains the zip line process"
2. MAKE a zip line, tie it off at both ends with the string taut. make a bucket from a paper cup. Time the cup travelling down the zip line. How could you make it travel faster without increasing the slope of the zip line. HINT increase the weight of the cup!!
Make Rapunzel Build a Tower Make a Zip Line
You will need:-
Sticky tape, cardboard, lego or duplo or cardboard cylinders other building materials, paperclips, textas and whatever else you can imagine. There are some coat hangers on top of the cupboard at the front of the STEM room. You can also use pipe cleaners clips.

1. HOOK – View the Video and discuss. Do you think you can help Rapunzel escape? How do you think the Zip Line will work?
Stop the video if you need along the way to make your prediction.
2. MAKE Rapunzel. Be creative. You can even use some lego or duplo people.
3. BUILD your tower.
4. PREDICT how you will hold the Zip Line. Explain why you think it will work.
5. TEST your Zip Line.
6. INCREASE the steepness of you Zip Line, what happens?
7. PHOTOGRAPH your tower and your Zip Line or draw a picture and label it.
8. WRITE down what happened. Describe how you helped Rapunzel escape from the tower.
9. UPLOAD labelled photos or drawings of the Rapunzel escape to Google Classroom or save them on an iPad.Maybe you will be in the next video.

1. CHECK out a real Zip Line in this video "Professor Science explains the zip line process" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4G4Z...
2. Make a zip line, tie it off at both ends with the string taut. make a bucket from a paper cup. Time the cup travelling down the zip line. How could you make it travel faster without increasing the slope of the zip line. HINT increase the weight of the cup!!
Comments like
I don't know how much longer I can take this"
I love teaching but 80% of the time you are doing something else and not teaching."
I need a break
Teachers are leaving the profession in significant numbers — the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggest 53 percent of people who hold a teaching degree, do not currently work in education.
Although the figure varies by locality, about 40 to 50 percent of our newest teachers leave within their first five years on the job.
Why are they leaving
These graduates are leaving for various reasons, but similar themes recur: they feel burnt out, unsupported, frustrated and disillusioned.
There must be a better way.
1. The International Baccalaureate Curriculum is a fully developed curriculum supplied to teachers, they do not program, they implement an existing program. A huge amount of teacher time could be reduced by implementing this system in Australian schools.
2. Testing should be drastically reduced and if required should be conducted online and automatically marked with results feeding into individual student reports.
3. Report writing should be streamlined, all data entry should be automated directly from existing programs students are working on, eg Mathletics, Reading Eggs etc. REport categories should be reduced. Reporting on individual outcomes removed.
4. Reduction of administrative task undertaken by teachers from the current 80% to say 20% by using automation and administrative staff.
Get back time to be creative and inspiring and collegial, and let teachers do the job they love - teaching


Captain Nemo’s City – 3D Objects – Google Drawings

Label your Document with the header "Buildings for Captain Nemo's City". Write your name and class under the header.
Select at least 4 - 3D shapes. Label your shapes.

1. CLICK on the + Add or CREATE button
2. CLICK on Docs, then Click to open your Doc.
3. CLICK on Insert, Then click on image, then click on search the WEB.
3. TYPE in - the name of a 3D shape in the top right hand dialogue box.
4. CLICK the shape you would like, then, at the bottom click insert.
5. RESIZE and recolour your shape. Select "Wrap text", so you can move it around the page.
6. NAME your shapes page and add your own name.
7. SUBMIT your work

1. Add some sea creatures to your background so add atmosphere to your drawing. Check out Geoffrey Brown 3D shapes below. You will need to search for images with a transparent background for instance: "fish with transparent background".
2. Use real world images to represent the 3D Objects.
3. List at least 5 properties of each 3D Object underneath each Object.
This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better. OK I'm trusting you!!!
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3. NOMINATE A FANTASTIC SCHOOL WEBSITE site for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
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The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email or tweet me.
Editor: Cathy Brown cathy@virtualteacher.com.au
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