Warning about Button Batteries

by CATHY BROWN No:240 10 03 2019
Gary has just sent through an EMAIL WARNING about the batteries I discussed in "Light it UP" newsletter. If you are thinking of doing this activity best to be aware of these problems. Student safety is paramount.
Thanks to Gary for this information
Greetings Cathy
Thank you the latest in the VT series.
Not wanting to make any sort of issue, however, student and child safety is paramount so my view is warnings should always be provided.
I refer specifically to the ‘Light it up” activity using ’silver foil’ Alfoil and button batteries.
Button batteries are dangerous for anyone who puts them in their mouth.
I hesitate nominating children under ten as more likely than adolescents or adults, as hospital evidence is inconclusive. There is a peak for five Y.O
There large numbers of people admitted to hospital with horrific injuries caused by swallowing button batteries..
Best way to deal with this activity is to ensure the battery is stuck securely to a card rather than paper. Tape works OK, silicon glue is excellent.
A bit of forewarning and preparation will make a trip to the medical centre, then hospital for an urgent operation to cut out the battery unnecessary.
Button batteries when wet will discharge all the energy causing extreme burns.
URL link:
hundreds of examples citing three risks. breathing blockage(infrequent), chemical poisoning(rare) and voltage discharge(certain)
Thanks again for your efforts
I am not wishing to be alarmist, however..sometimes it is necessary if we are setting up a potentially dangerous situation.
inadvertent or nor, a duty of care extends to all published advice.
btw some schools and systems have banned button batteries, be sure to check you are ‘operating legally'

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Editor: Cathy Brown cathy@virtualteacher.com.au
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