No: 229


It's been an interesting month. I have enjoyed working on a number of frivolous activities that are fun.
Projects are about having fun and enjoying what you are doing. Art for art's sake, fun for fun's sake, for the sake of imagination.
If we have fun and learn to enjoy ourselves do we think we are worthy of more happiness? Perhaps.
Perhaps we learn more about our shared humanity through shared joy, happiness and fun, than through complaints, advocacy and causes.
Check out the Surprise Ferocious Beings, the Eames House of Cards ideas and the "Bring Me Sunshine" song and have fun this month.

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Have a great break, this is the last newsletter for this year. Have a great holiday.



Mind Candy

Charles EAMES

The word blame is as useless as the act of blaming.

My stories run up and bite me in the leg -- I respond by writing them down -- everything that goes on during the bite. When I finish, the idea lets go and runs off. -Ray Bradbury, science-fiction writer (22 Aug 1920-2012)

Bring me SunshineSunshine by the Jive Aces love this song, so happy. I think it would be a good end of year performance, with children relating the usual range of complaints and then breaking into the song at the end. Let me know if anyone decides to do it.......


The above image is from the docudrama - The Architect and the Painter (this is the trailer), of Ray and Charles EAMES, it is the first film dedicated to these creative geniuses and their work. This husband-and-wife team are widely regarded as America's most important designers. You can find some great info on the EAMES Office site with ideas for the "Chair Camp" and also "House of Cards" Create-it-all-cards. The site has some great links to Museums around the world with EAMS exhibitions.
I have had some great fun lately working with the Eames House of cards ideas. These are suitable for all ages and can be used to construct artworks as well as buildings and cities and bus shelters. There are some great online resources.
Students can make their own cards and design them, then put them together to form a sculpture. These can be related to art design schools, topics or themes they are studying etc.

Some of the EAMES thinking includes:

- Design is a Marriage of Art and Industry

- To bring the most magnificent experience for the
eyes to everyone

- Design flows from the learning

- Learn by doing

- To make the best for the most for the least

- Enormous eyes that were open all the time
- Complex beauty of everyday objects

- Communicators who used images rather than

- We don't do art we solve problems
One of my favourite EAMES activities for Stage 3 and up is the Bus Shelter challenge.
This is a great siteThis is a great site with all the teaching support material you could want. Students are challenged to build a bus shelter. The bus shelter must meet community needs and be an enjoyable place to wait. This is a fabulous activity.

RAY Bradbury

In a career spanning more than seventy years, Ray Bradbury has inspired generations of readers to dream, think, and create.
A prolific author of hundreds of short stories and close to fifty books, as well as numerous poems, essays, operas, plays, teleplays, and screenplays, Bradbury was one of the most celebrated writers of our time. His groundbreaking works include Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, Dandelion Wine, and Something Wicked This Way Comes.
WATCH his intro for the Ray Bradbury Theater it is fabulous and leads into a great lesson about using objects to inspire writing. Take a look at it here:-

Ray Bradbury Theater full intro


This art project is fun for fun's sake. And is in the great category of unserious art. Surprises are good, especially when they happen in art, and even especially when they are funny.
This art project is fun.

It is full of surprises and laughs, and students love it. Jeanette's Post on Ferocious Beings Art for Kids and Robots explains the process well. Some images are from Stories and Children
The images below are from these posts.
I do answer all emails so send them along with your questions ideas and great sites.

Hi Cathy
Good day and happy Wednesday! My name is Mrs. Gold and I'm a volunteer for some enthusiastic kids who want to send you some "thumbs up" on your web page,, for our geology project. It's been very helpful!
I also want to share that the kids found this great rock resource link -
I've reviewed the resource and loved it as well! They mentioned It'd be great with your other helpful links. Do you think you could add it to your resources? They'd be thrilled to see it up! Especially knowing it could be useful to someone else. :) What're your thoughts?
Ciao for now,
Mrs. Gold

Hi Mrs Gold,
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you enthusiastic students were enthusiastic. I love Geology so I am pleased to hear of others enjoying it too.
Thanks for the link I will put in my next newsletter. The link is also on the Geology page under Rockhounds - so I how the kids get a thrill.

Did you try the Geology Kitchen - I have a great time with students when we did this - particularly the igneous rocks - ice cream and chocolate.


Hi Cathy,
I was searching the web for information on how to draw better and saw your great post here:

I noticed you mentioned in your post, and just wanted to give you a heads up that I recently wrote a blog post you might like. It’s a detailed, up-to-date 7,000 word guide on how to draw better that is packed with tips and advice.

If this is something you’d be interested in, here is the link to the blog post:

This is completely free and if you like it, all I ask is for you to link to or share the article on your site. In return, would love to share your post with my newsletter subscribers and followers on social media.

Either way, keep up the great work!


Hi Jesse,
I will include this in my next newsletter. I do not correct links in previous newsletters. The site has a lot of great ideas and is a great lesson sequence for Secondary School.



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Editor: Cathy Brown

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