VT's FREE Newsletter for Educators - Insight, Inspiration and Ideas that Work!
BOXFiSH Great idea!
Over the last few months I have been working with a company named BOXFiSH.
They are developing an app that enables English speaking tutors to work with Chinese students online. It's a fabulous idea, read all about it below. A great idea for VT subscribers.
Also take a look at the Film IQ videos. there are lots if ideas about Film and Filming techniques in these great little videos
To support VT it costs just $10.00 per year. Thanks in advance it helps a lot and covers the cost of hosting and distribution of the newsletter. AND I will send you the FREE Link to the 4BIG IDEAS ebook. Take a look at some of the pages here.
Spread the Word about VT, email this newsletter to someone you think might love it. And send in your Impossible ideas.
Have a great week, make it count.
Good school leaders accept ed tech trial and error. Great leaders expect it. @wes_kieschnick
Kevin Kelly (founder of Wire Magazine)describes technology as the 7th kingdom of life called "The Technetium" he says it is subject to the same forces as biological evolution.
Technology is a scaffolding that extends our thoughts, reach, and vision.
Philosophers Andy Clark and David Chalmers

Every once in a while something comes along that is really exciting, a new concept, a new initiative just like Boxfish.
I had the chance to be involved with Boxfish at its inception and I have been working with them for the last 2 months while they launched their platform.
What I love about Boxfish is working with Stephen and Anuo, the fabulous creators of Boxfish, who are bright, creative and thoughtful people.
I love my time chatting with the Chinese students, it is fun and gives a real insight into Chinese culture. It is fabulous to be part of something that has the potential to change the way Chinese students learn English in a new and innovative way.
I can schedule my lessons whenever I have free time and I can work from home. No travelling to work. The pay is $20US per hour, it’s actually 2 x 25minute sessions, and all the lessons are prepared so the there is no lesson prep.
You’ll need a smart phone, tablet or iPad, headphones and a stable internet connection. The rest is easy, download the app and Boxfish will give you some video tutorials so you learn how the system works.
Go straight to the Boxfish site
watch the video and sign up
and start earning some extra cash and having great conversations
I made a Video about Boxfish, from my balcony in Sliema, Malta. Malta is a tiny island not far from Sicily. It is on the website - I hope you enjoy it.
If you do sign up - please write to me and let me know about your experiences. If anyone would like to send me their CV and a photo via email - cathy@virtualteacher.com.au I will personally forward them onto Stephen and Anuo for you.
Hollywood's History of FAKING IT The Evolution of GREENSCREEN Compositing
Go inside the history of the travelling mattes (now called chromakey) and learn the history of visual trickery used by filmmakers from the earliest filmmakers through to the modern day.
Filmmaker IQ has a lot of great Filmmaking videos. I particularly liked
Hollywood's History of Faking it you students will love it too. This is a great site for insights into movie making. Even young students will enjoy some of the excerpts form the old Movies. And this video has had 2,233,462 views which is a very big number.

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar. —David Ogilvy
I love this activity. Writing catch headlines is a great way to get the creative juices flowing. I love the BTN challenge - ask students to write a catchy headline as they watch BTN, for each segment. Ask them to write a catchy headline for the next HSIE topic. They will be thinking laterally, creatively and inventively. You will be amazed at what they can come up with.
David Ogilvy's article is a step by step guide on
"How to write catchy headlines"
He suggest great adjectives to use, using trigger words - adverbs, rationale - nouns. So there's the grammar lesson and also a formula
Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise
So I guess there is the maths lesson. Writing formulas like this is fabulous for mathematical thinking. Invent some Catchy headline formulas of your own. Take a look at the article, students will love it and enjoy playing with ideas. http://goinswriter.com/catchy-headlines/
I do answer all emails so send them along with your questions ideas and great sites.
Hi Cathy
Congrats on finishing the school year! This was a banner year for computer science.
Millions of students worldwide have experienced CS for the first time, thanks to this teacher-led
movement—thanks to you!
Because it’s never too early to prepare for fall, and because every CS educator is also a student, here are some new resources and tools from Code.org you may want to check out:
App Lab (for High School or Middle School)
Do your students want to build apps? Are some of them ready to code without blocks? With App Lab, students can switch between blocks and text to build and share their own simple apps. Check it out:
The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to design an app in the browser with no install. App Lab makes it easy to code simple games, puzzles, or even productivity tools—whatever your students dream up. Learn more at the App Lab website (don’t miss the video intro!).
App Lab is more advanced than our other tools. If you’re new to coding, it has helpful videos and tutorials, but you may want to see all our options for new teachers instead.
Hadi Partovi
Thanks Hadi - Code.org has a number of online videos and lessons which are ery easy to follow. Check it out and let me know what you think.
This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better. OK I'm trusting you!!!
1. GOT SOMETHING TO SAY - Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.
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3. NOMINATE A FANTASTIC SCHOOL WEBSITE site for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
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The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email or tweet me.
Editor: Cathy Brown cathy@virtualteacher.com.au
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