Hello Everyone,
Welcome back to Term 3.
You will love the talk from Boyan Slat on extracting plastics from the oceans. A great invention, this is truly where we should be looking in environmental, sustainability studies.
I have been using Story Jumper and it is a fabulous program.
Students are publishing their own books and engaging in amazingly high level thinking. Take a look your students will love it.
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Welcome back to Term 3 2015.
I love these simple illustrations every no and then there is a brilliant yet simple one like the above.
this is why I talk about times tables, the area of rectangles, Hitch Hikers Guide the Galaxy, the answer to the answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything 6 x 7 = 42(must be the hardest table of them all if it answers this questions), the sum of interior angles and the fact that everytime you add an extra side you add an extra 180 degrees, which is 3 x 9 x 10(180 degrees the sum of the interior angles of a triangle). And let's not stop there.
TED Talk by Boyan Slat - Listen to his thinking.
18-year-old Boyan Slat combines environmentalism, entrepreneurism and
technology to tackle global issues of sustainability. Warch the YouTube

After diving in
Greece, and coming across more plastic bags than fish, he wondered; "why
can't we clean this up?" The project is now up and running - take a look at their site
Just speak into this app and it will spell for you
I have recently been working with students needing extra support with writing and spelling. I love to think all students can become independent in their writing. This great little app is amazing. It's great for all the ESL, LAST and "just can't spell for nuts," folk.
The speech recognition is fabulous, students just say the word or sentence and they can see it written in foundation handwriting or you can select from a wide variety of fonts. The App will also ready the text back to you. I have had great success with this. Developing little folk who feel in charge of their writing and spelling for the first time. It also helps with handwriting forms.
fghhg. What it means to ME(the teacher)
I do answer all emails so send them along with your questions ideas and great sites.
Dear Cathy,
Time the Musical Acts 1 & 2 are available via iTunes. I purchased them a couple of years ago to replace my cassette tape copies.
Can you pass this information onto Pete?
Ms Maureen Smith
Teacher Librarian
Hi Maureen,
Thanks for letting me know I will purchase them too. I loved that show.
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The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email or tweet me.
Editor: Cathy Brown
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