VT's FREE Newsletter for Educators - Insight, Inspiration and Ideas that Work!
BiG IDEAS 2015 - FIBONACCI 1, 2, 3, 5...
Hello Everyone,
This newsletter includes lots of apps and ideas for 3D augmentation. I have had such fun this week invetigating this with the students. CoLAR Pix for starters then onto Aurasma.
The next 'BIG IDEA' for new subscribers is on Fibonacci. I have prepared a powerpoint to go along with this package.
Fabulous Fibonacci ideas for Kindergarten through to advanced stage 3 & up. WITH STICKY NOTES??? Now I have your attention!!!!
FREE for Virtual Teacher Supporters
What will you get in the 'BIG IDEA' series, well you'll get Concept
Based Math Ideas that can be taught from Kindergarten to Stage 3+. The first and second in the series on Fractals and Pythagoras have already been sent out, this week it will be Fibonacci, and then the 4 Colour Theoreum. And YES Kindergarten can get
involved in this too, and they will love it. All the the 'BIG IDEA' documents
will contain links, BLMs, Apps and of course great ideas.
So become a supporter now and receive all '4 BIG IDEA' pdfs in 2015 FREE
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Welcome back to 2015
He that respects HIMSELF is safe from others; he wears a coat of mail that NONE can pierce.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet (27 Feb 1807-1882)
A wise person once said,
“You can’t keep doing the same thing and EXPECT a different outcome.”
Project Glass One Day - Google Glass watch the Video!!!
What would you use it for what programs and apps would you design?
Google Glass is a wearable augmented reality app. What is it's future? What next?
Augmented Reality," - web definition:
"Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer. As a result, the technology functions by enhancing one’s current perception of reality."
Augmented Reality is a way of using a picture, known as a trigger image, to generate a video, slideshow or computer generated graphic. It seems that technology moving forward will be using a lot of AR.

See and interact with the world in a new way.
Thanks to Aurasma, every image, object and even place can have its own "Aura", which is the term for an augmented reality experience! Through these Auras, images, artwork, writing can come to life with videos and audio.
Teachers can create Auras to add engaging digital information to printed materials in their classrooms. Simply use the free Aurasma mobile app to unlock Auras and share the experience with friends. Or get experimenting and use the simple tools within the app to create and share your own Auras.
First, download the FREE Aurasma mobile app. Then frame the tagged image or object in the app’s viewfinder to unlock the Aura!
Aurasma App Take a look at TEdED video.
Revolutionising Education.
How to make an Aura IT'S SOOOO EASY
Step 1
Pick your content from the Aurasma Library or your content
Step 2
ake a clear picture of your trigger - don;t press the button until the bar goes green.
Step 3
Get your content into postiion and scale it . When you're ready, tap the arrow.

I have never seen a class class colour in so well. And then talk and write so much about their work.
We did procedure type writing, fantastic.
Use CoLAR Pix in conjunction with Dot Day Watch the Video and Download the fabulous FREE pdf resource here
fghhg. What it means to ME(the teacher)
Loved this starter - worked for a wide range of ages and abilities. I also extended it by getting the pupils to multiply . Download the pdf and you can take it anywhere.
Times Tables Great Stragegy site for learnign times Tables including Interactives.
Including Great Phisophical quotes about chickens
Origami Maniacs 111: Easter Bunny, and take a look at the video on "How to make Amazing Easter Egg Art"
Fabulous interactive info graphic looking at the poppy symbol and using this to indicate deaths in theatres of war around the world. They say 'a picture is worth a thousand words" well this one certainly is!!!!
I do answer all emails so send them along with your questions ideas and great sites.
Hi Cathy,
I am writing to inform you of our re-branding from See Share Shape to
ELECTROBOARD Education and subsequent relocation of our website. Could
you please update the linking address and listed name found on your page
here http://www.virtualteacher.com.au/free-tools.html to
our new home page at http://www.education.electroboard.com.au/ Additionally, we no longer stock or support SMART branded products but
still provide a range of interactive technology solutions for education.
Could you please also remove the specific reference to SMART and EWBs? Regards, Luke Ashmore
Hi Luke,
I have changed over the link. Also I have just taken a look around the site some of the links go to weird places like link from https://www.education.electroboard.com.au/resources link to Geometry - Angles Added on : 19 Jan 15 This resource teaches students to estimate, measure and compare angles using
which is not in English same for quite a few of them. All going to the prowise.com site. So not sure what is going on. Thanks for the info but maybe the above is worth checking out. ciao Cathy
Hello Cathy,
I came across your drama resource page: http://www.virtualteacher.com.au/drama.htm today. There are a lot of great resources listed here!
I wanted to share another resource that might benefit this page. We've compiled a list of over 40 free drama games that make great activities for drama teachers: CLICK HERE TO VIEW
Would you consider sharing this resource on your page?
Matt Lee
Hi Matt,
Site looks great with a good amount of free stuff as well. What do other readers think? I'll be using the GIBBERISH lesson next. I have added the link to my drama page. And already downloaded the FRE 40 Classic Drama Games.
Hello Cathy,
I admire your efforts to make algebra easier to understand for students through the “Great Math Websites to Explore” section on your website. Many kids find that dealing with numbers can be very challenging but learning to plot points or making shapes based on equations is excruciatingly overwhelming. Having a nephew who struggle with the subject inspired me to gather resources that we are now sharing with you in the hopes that we can help in our shared mission of making the subject easier and more fun.
At EducatorLabs, we love every opportunity to share educational material with others. Fun and engaging educational material is all the more welcome when it comes to subjects that may prove more challenging for some students, such as algebra and functions!
We recently collected a handful of excellent online advanced algebra and graphing calculator resources aimed at helping parents and educators that we thought may be of interest to you as you work to bring the subject alive to students.
I’ve included our collection so far (perhaps you could post it here: http://www.virtualteacher.com.au/maths.html?), and would love your feedback. Or, is there another math topic that is of interest to you?
Graphing Functions Resource Collection for Students of All Ages
Happy learning!
Jasmine Dyoco
Thanks Jasmine these are great.
This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better. OK I'm trusting you!!!
1. GOT SOMETHING TO SAY - Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.
2. NOMINATE A BRILLIANT SITE for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
3. NOMINATE A FANTASTIC SCHOOL WEBSITE site for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
4. MAKE CONTACT with other schools using fantastic programs.
5. WRITE and innovative article for this newsletter.
6. TELL 2 COLLEAGUES about this newsletter.
7. BECOME A VT SUPPORTER CLICK HERE $5 per year, and keep a good thing going. Your name + a hyperlink if you, like will appear on our supporters list.(unless anonymity is requested)
Announce your support for innovation and change in Education.
The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email or tweet me.
Editor: Cathy Brown cathy@virtualteacher.com.au
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