VT's FREE Newsletter for Educators - Insight, Inspiration and Ideas that Work!
Coding APPS is Child's Play
Hello Everyone,
Each time I write a newsletter I wonder if there will continue to be amazing things to write about, and THERE ALWAYS IS.
There is always something new an amazing that just takes my breath away. It's such an exciting time.
At the moment kids are all excited about writing iPad APPS, using Scratch and Hopscotch. The first time they see their program run and they make the 'monkey' move they get so excited.
It's all about discovering it for themselves, working it out and getting hooked on learning.
The iClass shapes proved to be real WOW factors.
And they just love PADLET - I know you will to.
The interactive periodic table is AMAZING and so addictive.
Spread the Word about VT, email this newsletter to someone you think might love it.
To be nobody but myself -- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else -- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting. E.E. Cummings, poet (1894-1962)
The scandal of education is that everytime you teach something you deprive a child of the pleasure and benefit of discovery.
Seymour Papert
Students Making iPad APPS
Learn to Coder Interactively for FREE at Codecademy Sign up online The lessons are simple and easy to follow. Or Download the Codecademy APP for iPad which is also FREE Learn Java script, Python, html, etc.
Is another great coding app which is well designed and easy to learn for everyone. It is available for FREE download at iTunes
Is a great APP for developing games. Students work out their game on paper first then transcribe it to an APP Pixel Press Floors Which is available free. AMAZING
And don't forget
Coding is the new literacy! With ScratchJr, young children (ages 5-7) can program their own interactive stories and games. In the process, they learn to solve problems, design projects, and express themselves creatively on the computer. FREE app for iPad
Created by the Periodic Videos team using the TED-Ed platform. A new interactive periodic table - FABULOUS - It's sooo addictive. View the videos, these are backed up by full TEED lessons. With questions, extra links and a spot to add your comments.
fghhg. What it means to ME(the teacher)
iClass Shapes - WOW!
Augmented reality APP - download the pdf and watch the magic begin. The kids just said WOW!
PDF is available from the APP. Totally amazing. Watch flat nets form 3D solids before your eyes.
Check out the app on iTunes IT'S FREE
The Right Angle - don't be Obtuse.
Angles - Fabulous interactive site for all those acute, and obtuse problems. Stage 2-3
Padlet is a digital wall student can add comment and images to. Padlet is the easiest way to create and collaborate in the world.
I do answer all emails so send them along with your questions ideas and great sites.
Dear Cathy
How are you there? Lovely to meet you in linkedin. I am working as principal at Blue Sky Public School in Kathmandu. I visited Australia in 2011. I had a good chance to visit many schools. I would like to share you my school's website to share more detail. I hope you will have a look it .
yours sincerely
Hi Prem,
Lovely to meet with you on linked too.
What a great name for a school.
Site looks interesting - I would love to share this on my newsletter Virtual Teacher - if that's OK - its great for everyone to see what is happening around the world. here's my latest newsletter:
Let me know if you are OK with this.
ciao Cathy
I am very happy if you do it. i hope more people would read it and know more what I am doing here. I need some people to teach volunteer at my school. Some can be interested if you get the information from you newsletter.
Let me know as you share it. Please send me link as you do.
Thanking you
Hi! My name is Nancy and I homeschool my two children. I\'ve been searching
the Internet for resources that could be useful to us for some upcoming
projects. I came across your page
( http://virtualteacher.com.au/geology.html), and it provided a lot of
help in my search for educational links on rocks and fossils. I just
wanted to thank you for it, and thought you should know how useful it
is! I also found this article: \"Fossils to Shale - Rockhounding for Kids\"I think it would be a great resource to include on your page! Please let
me know if you decide to update and add the link. I\'d love to hear any
thoughts you have to share. Thanks again!
Nancy Boveja
Hi Nancy, Thank you so much for your kind words. I love Geology and would have
been a geologist except for the gender bias way back then. I will put your link in the next newsletter and check it out for the website. Geology and fossils are such engaging topics for kids - they love it. A great way to further young geologists interests is to connect up with a
local university Geology Department - I have found them fabulous and
keen. Goodluck with your endeavours. ciao Cathy
PS I have added the link to my Geology Page
Hi Cathy I came across the Great Math Websites to Explore page in your website while looking for some learning resources for children and noticed that you have listed some really useful ones. I am sure your readers are very grateful for finding so many resources all in one easily accessible place.While going through the resource list in your website I noticed that our website jumpstart.com/jumpstartparents/ would fit in perfectly under the Math Games category. Jumpstart offers a wide range of free printables, activities, worksheets and educational games for kids from preschool to 5th graders on math. I am reaching out to you to know if it is possible to add our websites to your list of resources, as well.Thank you for taking the time to read this email. Adding us to your list is sure to help us reach our goal of making our educational material available to as many teachers and parents as possible.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi Kate, Thanks for the email. I will pop this in my next newsletter. A I have a similar
goal to you - and promoting 21st century learning is what VT is about. Glad you like the resource. ciao Cathy
This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better. OK I'm trusting you!!!
1. GOT SOMETHING TO SAY - Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.
2. NOMINATE A BRILLIANT SITE for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
3. NOMINATE A FANTASTIC SCHOOL WEBSITE site for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
4. MAKE CONTACT with other schools using fantastic programs.
5. WRITE and innovative article for this newsletter.
6. TELL 2 COLLEAGUES about this newsletter.
7. BECOME A VT SUPPORTER CLICK HERE $5 per year, and keep a good thing going. Your name + a hyperlink if you, like will appear on our supporters list.(unless anonymity is requested)
Announce your support for innovation and change in Education.
The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email or tweet me.
Editor: Cathy Brown cathy@virtualteacher.com.au
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