VT's FREE Newsletter for Educators - Insight, Inspiration and Ideas that Work!
Hello Everyone,
I love this image - nothing is really new just reinvented - REALLY.
Using Stop Motion Animation has always seemed a laborious process until now, Take a look at theTEDEd Video and have some fun with it.
The Film Riot Videos and site are fabulous, Visual Literacy and Audio Visual Literacy are now an important part of new syllabi around the world.
This site provides informative and entertaining info about the world of film. The Frog video is fabulous.
Don't miss out try it now. It will make your life sooo much easier and your students will go ahead in leaps and bounds.
MADE for Australian students
DESIGNED BY Australian teachers
If you have a book to promote please email me and I will great ones to the Virtual Teacher BookStore, remember support Virtual Teacher and buy your books at the Virtual Teacher Bookstore by clicking through from the site.
Spread the Word about VT, email this newsletter to someone you think might love it.
Even the palest ink is better than the best memory.
Chinese Proverb
True delight is in finding out, rather than in knowing.
Isaac Asimov
Film Riot is a how-to trip through filmmaking from the hyper-active mind of Ryan Connolly. From how to make great effects to following Triune Films through production, Film Riot explores the art of filmmaking in a way you've never seen. This is a great site for your budding filmmakers. And Also for understanding audio/visual literacy techniques.
One of their recent videos was produced for ADOBE. Take a look and also take a look at the behind the scenes.
Adobe and the Frog A better love story than Romeo and Juliet - Clever - Great use of Metaphor. I am sure you will enjoy it. Heads-up: the frog's last words are '"what the f", so it might not be suitable for younger ears.
The One Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared
I loved this book - the surendipitous life of Allan Karlson. A tribute to positive thinking and a whatever happens I can deal with it attitude. And with a title this long you have to be intrigued.
The happenstance meetings with major luminaries of the 20th century are brilliantly woven into the narrative with enough detail
and nonchallance to make them almost believable, and in fact believability of of
no real consequence.
A good natured rollicking yarn which sees the protagonists all end up in Bali sipping their
version of heaven on a beach.
The Wonderful World of HENRY Sugar & Six More....
I have been enjoying re-reading this book, an old favourite. I love the Henry Sugar Story and it plays right in to discussions about focus and concentration.
I also love the "Lucky Break" Story which explains how Dahl became a writer.
It deliciously contains hand written notes from his 'red-covered school excercise book" which is where he writes all his story ideas.
It's a great read aloud book for the whole class.
Subscribe to TEDED to be continually updated. And also have your students register so that they can work with the discussions and questionaires.
Resources are Fabulous Ideal for the flipped classroom. Students can engage at various levels. Rewatch the video as many times as they like. Log in and comment. Attempt the extension activities
The range of topics is amazing here’s one I loved.
Animation basics: Homemade special effects STOP MOTION ANIMATION - the easy way
Check it out
Also take a look at the Think section with the multiple choice questions - great for revision. And the dig deeper sections is great with suggestions on some great Stop Frame animated Movies including "The Conjuror" George Melies and Oscar nominated "Luminaris" by Zaramella, which is a delight to watch.
Don't miss the The discussion section - students can pose questions and join the dialogue about Animation.

Download it now. I played with it for a whole weekend. No instructions needed
your students will be able to figure it out for themselves. A tripod of some sort is suitable. I rigged a simple one up for my iPhone using one of one of the car hands free dvices and masking tape. It worked a treat.
So simple and easy.
fghhg. What it means to ME(the teacher)
Adobe TV is a comprensive site for Training videos on all things ADOBE including INdesign, Photoshop and Illustrator.
This resource is Fabulous for trainign on all aspeacts of the adobe programs, just play the videos and the kids can learn about the programs themselves.
Muse - a website design program and Edge Animate - a html 5 animation program are also well worth a look.
Adobe Creative Cloud Student membership is $15.00 per month, also available is group discount for 2- 150 users for educational institutions. This allows access to a vast array of programs that studetns can investigate for themselves.
Check out Google's Chrome Experiments
A galactic perspective from Google's Chrome Experiments. 100,000 STARS is a tour of the closest stars to our own Sun. It's completely interactive and I would
The WebGLglobe is Interesting - check out the Global Terrorism and the busiest airports.
Great Site for Alphabet songs, measurement, countries, shapes, songs etc
I do answer all emails so send them along with your questions ideas and great sites.
Good morning Cathy! We wanted to say thank you for your page, http://www.virtualteacher.com.au/VT141.html , all the way from Colorado! The kids from our Science Discovery Club found your page to be so helpful while they are learning all about fossils and Archaeology! The kids would like to suggest another page, as a thank you for being such a big help: "A Paleontologist's Guide to Dental Analysis"
They wanted to make a special request to add this to your page, if it's not too much trouble! I took a look and I think it would be a big help to your other visitors...it has some great information. Thank you again and please let me know if you include it...they would be honored to see it up! Hope you have a great weekend!
Christina Nill
Hi Christina, Thanks for the link I have included it here http://www.virtualteacher.com.au/geology.html also will include your letter in the next newsletter. Love to here more about your club? Sounds great. I run a Geology Club - called Rockhounds - here's our Membership card http://www.virtualteacher.com.au/assets/rockhounds-card.pdf Do you guys have a membership card? My best to the kids in the Discovery Club
ciao Cathy
Hi Cathy
You have an inspiring eletter. Thanks for the constantly interesting & challenging info - was fascinated to read the 10 things which will soon be obsolete - I can't wait !!
A really neat little app I would like to recommend is called Coop Fractions it helps my Year 5s to see the correlation between fractions & their decimal equivalent. My other fav is a little xy but so worth it for wordsmiths out there - it's called Wordflex & is a combination dictionary/thesaurus. Thanks the constant cerebral stimulation
Fiona Sent from Fi's iPad
Next newsletter will be all about The MAGIC and ILLUSION of the NEW CURRICULUM - promise. Please send in your thoughts so far and any other great ideas or websites, whiteboard sites or fabulous things you are doing.
Join the VT conversation on twitter. 
Happy May
This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better. OK I'm trusting you!!!
1. GOT SOMETHING TO SAY - Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.
2. NOMINATE A BRILLIANT SITE for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
3. NOMINATE A FANTASTIC SCHOOL WEBSITE site for review and inclusion in this newsletter.
4. MAKE CONTACT with other schools using fantastic programs.
5. WRITE and innovative article for this newsletter.
6. TELL 2 COLLEAGUES about this newsletter.
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The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor, Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as: Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't work for you send an email or tweet me.
Editor: Cathy Brown cathy@virtualteacher.com.au
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