Virtual Teacher Newsletter  No. 97  18th September 2004 ­  BRAINY




1. Welcome

2. Mind Candy

3. WWWinfo Guinness Book of Records

4. New Printables -  George Lucas

5. Technical Stuff - TIGER

6. Web Site Focus - ELECTIONS


8. Great Sites

9.  Readers' Requests/Comments

10 Next Issue

11. Code of 'Netizens'

12. Tips



PROFESSOR SUSAN GREENFIELD was a stand out interview

on Andrew Denton¹s ŒEnough Rope² the other night.  Talking all

about the brain and how it works, how she hated school, what

made her excited to learn, and how humans are brilliant at learning

from their environment, using their senses to figure out how their

world works.  We¹ve always known this, and here is a pre-eminent

scientist reinforcing it yet again on national TV.  Prioritize learning,

here it is from a different perspective. My son has been working

as an apprentice chef at the newly opened ŒPaparazzi¹ restaurant ­

the old ŒRestaurant Rules¹ place at 241-247 Crown St Darlinghurst).

I¹m pleased to say, great light Italian food. Like Susan, he hated

school, the excitement came when he started to learn in a real life

situation, and boy has he learned, and loves it.  School has to be

relevant and this is priority number 1.



"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?"

~~ Steven Wright, comedian and actor


"The right half of the brain controls the left half of the body.

This means that only left handed people are in their right mind."

            Author: Anonymous 


Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling,

tact, or fact are transmission errors.


Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the

word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate

words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean? It's a

mystery, and that's why so is mankind. Jack Handy


The earth may spin faster on its axis due to deforestation.

Just as a figure skater's rate of spin increases when the arms

are brought in close to the body, the cutting of tall trees may

cause our planet to spin dangerously fast.


The average human brain has about 100 billion nerve cells

nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles

(274 km) per hour.


3. WWWinfo

The Guinness Book of Records

Great Search engines ­ site also includes video clips and

instructions on how to make your own world record attempts.



Download the George Lucas article- a must read & share.

If students aren't taught the language of sound and

images, shouldn't they be considered as illiterate as

if they left college without being able to read or write?



Mac OS TIGER preview

Tiger keeps up Apple¹s blazing pace of innovation with

more than 150 breakthrough new features, including

Spotlight, a revolutionary new way to find files and

information on your personal computer; Safari RSS, a

new version of Apple¹s innovative web browser that

provides instant access to the most current RSS information

on the web; Dashboard, a dazzling new way to get in and

out of a collection of new all-purpose ³widgets² quickly;

and iChat AV multi-way video and audio conferencing,

the industry¹s first consumer solution with a stunning

3D interface.



Voting- Elections How do you make it relevant to students?


Elections ACT

Elections ACT is an independent statutory authority responsible

for conducting elections and referendums for the Australian

Capital Territory Legislative Assembly. Our mission is to provide

the ACT community with high quality electoral services that ensure

fair and open elections and referendums.


Elections 2004 - Opinions, Media and Press

Australian Electoral Commission - The Who What When Why

and How of Elections

Who represents you, divisional ma[s, history etc. Great search



A database of parties, elections, governments and representation

for state and federal parliaments since 1890


Elections around he World



Interview with Andrew Denton was excellent, and covered many

universal themes. she hated school, she learned best when things

were relevant and when she could ask questions, that¹s when the ¹

excitement¹ begins.  Research shows that humans are great at

learning from their environment. She addressed the need to work

out what we are trying to achieve so that appropriate Œsoftware¹ in

this case can be produced. She also addressed issues of the future,

including a redundancy in reading and writing, Great provocative

food for thought, download the full article :


ŒIt was, 'cause I hated science at school. I say to any of your viewers

who don't like science because they've learned about amoebas and

distilling water, etc, that really the excitement comes when you start

to use science to everyday life and your own experiences. And I

suddenly saw that this was a way to answer, or tackle, the kind of

questions that I'd asked as a schoolgirl, know, why do

people go to war? What's love? What makes you different from me?

You know? What is consciousness? ŠŠŠ..


what drives the brain anyway? What is it that keeps all the brain

cells stimulated? And it's a constant interaction with the environment.

And the most brilliant thing about being born a human being is that

we are brilliant at responding and adapting to our environment.

Even if you are a clone, that's to say even if you are an identical twin,

you will have a unique configuration of brain cell connections because

these are mirroring every moment you're alive. They're affecting and

reflecting your life. So you're born into this booming, buzzing confusion.

You evaluate the world in terms of colour and smell and touch, how

sweet, how fast, how coldŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ


What do you want your son to learn or want him to be? What values,

talents and skills do you want him to have? Until you answer those

questions, how can the computer technologist design the software

for you, yeah? You have to answer those things firstŠ..


So, in the future, we won't have to rote-learn things - already we

Google, even our generation. The young generation will use search

engines in such a way that as we're talking, you know, they'll ask the

water - 'cause there'll be embedded computers everywhere. You'll

say, "When was the Battle of Hastings?" Or I'll ask my watch.

Everything will be voice interfaced. So, therefore, you won't need

to learn things by rote, as we did. So education will already be

different. If we have voice interface computers, will you need to

read or write? That sounds heretical, but will you really need to if

you can talk with the computer?ŠŠŠŠ..²




Sheeps Brain Dissection


Primary School sites Lessons and Resources

Human Rights Resources for the Classroom



The scandal in English study


How can English grammar books, nearly all of them if we may say,

hide away such grammatical examples as "He has worked there in

the past few years", and then preach to us a false rule that present

perfect tense doesn't stay with past time expressions?


It is not a rule at all. It is a cheating. Time adverbials like within the

past few years, during the past five weeks are as past as you can

define what is past. Because these past time expressions can stay

with the present perfect, however, grammarians don't want you to

know them. Eventually, they keep them away from all of your

grammar books.


As all grammarians have concurrently done the concealment so

perfectly that, to tell the truth, even teachers like us at first thought

simple past tense to be the only correct tense for "in the past few years".


Now we don't know what to do. In our class we even have to

defend the grammars who have cheated us...... please visit the

following link and see how unfortunate we teachers are, and how

possibly you can help.


We noticed your address on a web page about language, so we

write to you for help. I hope you can be a contributor who can help

relieve our sufferings.


Thank you very much.


(Mr) Xui

HK, China

Can anyone help???


10.          NEXT ISSUE ­ Some emails directed to VT seem to be

going astray, please include Virtual Teacher in the subject

line of all emails you send.


NEXT ISSUE ­ Your responses to ŒPrioritize¹, send in your lists.

Send in your great ideas and websites as well.

Let¹s share everything. ciao Cathy


11. Code of the 'Netizens'

This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising

above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one

colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.

Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or

do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will

help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better.

OK I'm trusting you!!!


12. TIPS

1. Double click on highlighted URLS to open in browser.

2. Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with

Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.

3. Nominate a brilliant site for review and inclusion in this


4. Nominate a fantastic school site for review and inclusion in

this newsletter.

5. Make contact with other schools using fantastic programs.

6. Prepare and innovative article for this newsletter.

7. Tell 2 colleagues about this newsletter.


The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor,

Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as:

Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't

work for you send me an email.

Editor: cathy brown


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