Virtual Teacher Newsletter  No. 95  21st  August 2004 ­THE AIM




1. Welcome

2. Mind Candy

3. WWWinfo ­ Movie Database

4. New Printables -  Adrianıs Art

5. Technical Stuff ­ Adobe Seminar

6. Web Site Focus ­ The Indians

7. Adrianıs site

8. Great Sites

9.  Readers' Requests/Comments

10 Next Issue

11. Code of 'Netizens'

12. Tips

1. WELCOME EVERYONE.  I have a feeling that the last

newsletter didnıt get out to everyone.  If you missed it all newsletters

are archived at

Please let me know if this happens.  Newsletter looks at, THE AIM OF EDUCATION, and restructuring the curriculum totally, all in one

VT newsletter, nothing is too big.  I am still interested to hear

about any feedback on Neurofeedback, especially hardware

and software involved.

Please enjoy.



³Civilisation becomes, more and more, a race between

education and catastrophe.² H.G. Wells


If ever there is a generation that knows only what the generation

before it knew, it can kiss its survival chances good-bye.


Some underlying assumptions about curriculum

What the next generation most needs to know is what this

generation happens to know.

Education is a fairly straightforward process which, in the words

of Louis Gerstner, CEO if IBM, has to do mostly with

Œthe distribution of information.² If schools will just raise the bar²

students will clear it. The student potential wasted by

one-size-fits-all programs isnıt worth developing.

Students turned into failures by their willingness or inability to

meet standards wonıt be a problem.

It is more important to focus attention on minimum collective

performance than maximum individual performance.


³Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything

that counts can be counted² Albert Einstein.


If we teach only what we know how to test, we wonıt survive.

We wonıt deserve to survive.


Learning like love is its own reward.  It meets one of the

strongest human needs and therefore pays off and in deeply

satisfying ways.  Substitute extrinsic for intrinsic satisfaction ­

threaten the teachers and the kids with humiliation if they fail,

reward them with praise and other goodies if they succeed-

and getting the praise and avoiding the penalties are the emotions

that drive the system. Love of learning for itıs own sakes die.

Dead. What Copernicus did for astronomy, and Newton  and

then Einstein did for physics, Antione Lavoisier did for Chemistry

and Sir Charles Lyell did for Geology.  They didnıt build on

someone elseıs ideas,  they advanced theories that zigged

off in a totally different directions.  That kind of zig is long

overdue in education.


Excerpts and Inspiration, and Quotes taken from

A Seamless Curriculum*

 *A single, systemically integrated whole, every part of which r

elates logically to every other part

3. WWWinfo

Movie Data Base



Adrianıs Art Activities

3 new art activities



This is not a free seminar. costs $130 per day ­ BUT this will be

a great seminar, if you are teaching students to use these tools,

this promises to be totally inspiring.

Photoshop & InDesign for Design & Photography

Brought to you by Software Cinema


If you and your staff could study with the world's finest

Photo/Digital, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and Acrobat

instructors, would you?

Software Cinema will bring to you today's leading digital imaging

experts practical and proven Adobe Software and imaging

techniques in vivid detail. The day consists of live training as

well as methodically produced high definition QT digital video

demonstrations covering a variety of professional topics.

Attend the Australian Launch of Software Cinema

Starring Jack Davis - Live!

Jack is the award-winning author of Photoshop Wow Book!

Melbourne Dallas Brooks Hall

September 15th: Photoshop for Photography

September 16th: Photoshop & InDesign for Design

Sydney Powerhouse Museum

September 20th: Photoshop for Photography

September 21st: Photoshop & InDesign for Design



Every once in a while you come across a story, that nails it.

On June17, 1744, Commissioners from the English colonies of

Maryland and Virginia negotiated a treaty with the Indians of the

Six Nations at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. As part of the deal the

Indians were invited to send boys to school at William and Mary

College.  The Indians replied ³ŠŠŠ..if the Gentlemen of

Virginia will send us a Dozen of their Sons, we will take care

of their Education, instruct them in all we know, and Make

Men of them.²

The Commissioners offered to send the boys Œto schoolı. For t

he Indians there was a point a purpose to the education, it was

Œto Make Men of them.² 


If Education had a single purpose, point, aim, then selecting

suitable curriculum to teach would be easy.  Sending them to

school, to educate them, to teach them, to help them reach

their potential, none of these are aims that can or will or do

 direct curriculum choice.


We need as a community, as professionals, to work out an aim

for everything, a single guiding aim which provides a purpose

for teaching.  Currently curriculum is based around the Œdisciplinesı,

an arbitrary division of knowledge that occurred with reasonable

rigor about 100 years ago. They have no real relationship to how

students learn, what knowledge is important, and they donıt

encompass all knowledge.

What should the young be taught?

How to make sense of the human condition.

And should follow along these lines

Whatıs happening?

To what or whom?




The type of questions toddlers ask constantly, the questions

that come naturally, and form the basis of how we learn best.


The aim should be to provide students with the skills they will

need to live in the 21st century as positive happy productive,

functioning adults, who understands their relationship to society

and value in it. Who understand that their actions have an

impact on the society in which they live. Who understand how

that society works. All life is linked Only an education

that teaches connectedness to all things will help them make

sense out of life.

WELL you might say - this is a pretty unwieldy aim, Cathy ­

and you would be right - this needs a great deal of discussion.

BUT immediately allows a close examination of the current curriculum.

It defines what can be removed from the curriculum, areas of

study which arenıt essential to the functioning of a student or

future adult in our society.  

There needs to be one core basic curriculum that encompasses

all Seymour Papertıs ŒDriveresqueı knowledge. And the

disciplines become specialized optional areas of ³Latinesque²

knowledge, which students can choose to study according to

their own interests. this would essentially free teacherıs of

cumbersome curriculum overload and allow them to work with

students on the more important areas in greater depth and detail.

So you could loose immediately, algebra, long division, and

concentrate on a lot more of what is currently called consumer

maths in the general course.  Offering more specialized maths

in elective course.

Learning to read, and write is essential, but also, to are speaking,

social relations, how organizations such as schools work, and the

relationships within them.  Text books with their third and fourth

hand information would be redundant as students studied reality,

 starting in primary school with the social organization with which

they are most familiar there own school.

Applying the

Whatıs happening?

To what or whom?




questioning techniques to new and old situations.

Here is a beginning, what do you think, itıs time for a change,

to restructure

This kind of zig is long overdue in education

Excerpts and Inspiration, and Quotes taken from

A Seamless Curriculum*

 *A single, systemically integrated whole, every part of which

relates logically to every other part


7. Take a look at Adrianıs site again. Just Brilliant.

Here are the highlights...

Flash/Swish Poetry - This really is amazing.

10 Things Our Teacher Would Never Say to Us

Twinkle, twinkle - another impressive way to publish


Recent Press - a really nice article written about our


Postcards from Mars

Our first go at 3d rendering using the free software


3 new art activities

Adrian and his class would love you to write to them and let them know what you think.

Adrian <>




Big Fish - Great film


Great Olympic site ­ Well done ­ Trinity college Western Australia

Itıs great to see great teachers taking on the new technologies

and using them this well.

go Trinity


Anatomy of a Refugee Camp (Canadian Broadcasting Company)

This Flash-based interactive map of a refugee camp in part of a large

site created by The Canadian Broadcasting Company. The Flash version

uses a small compass to maneuver through the overhead view of the

refugee camp. There is also a drop-down menu at the top.

Text Only version


Nutrition Data's Nutrition Facts Analyzer

NutritionData (ND) generates nutrition labels and provides simplified

nutritional analyses such as foods that are lowest in carbohydrates,

highest in protein, or that match any other dietary restrictions or

goals. Translate confusing ingredient labels with ND's Food Additive

identifier or browse a list of the 50 Most Popular Foods. You can even

analyze your daily dietary intake using the "Pantry." Pretty amazing

site. Play with it before lunch!


Australian Gold League Group

Great site. Lots of Interesting Info, and just added the Australian Wildlife Cams ­ well worth a look



Hi Cathy,

I love your newsletter! There are always so many helpful ideas and links!

Thank you for all your hard work - it is really appreciated!

This site

is to a Canadian teacher/librarian's site where Pat and I worked

together on a fairly comprehensive list of Olympic sites.


Kind regards,

Alison James

Computer Specialist Teacher (1-10)

Toowoomba Christian College

Queensland Australia


10.   NEXT ISSUE ­ Your responses to the GREAT AIM.

ciao Cathy


11. Code of the 'Netizens'

This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising

above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one

colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.

Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or

do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will

help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better.

OK I'm trusting you!!!


12. TIPS

1. Double click on highlighted URLS to open in browser.

2. Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with

Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.

3. Nominate a brilliant site for review and inclusion in this


4. Nominate a fantastic school site for review and inclusion in

this newsletter.

5. Make contact with other schools using fantastic programs.

6. Prepare and innovative article for this newsletter.

7. Tell 2 colleagues about this newsletter.


The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor,

Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as:

Use at your own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't

work for you send me an email.

Editor: cathy brown


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