Virtual Teacher Newsletter  No.85 ­ February 14th 2004 ­ INDOMITABLE SPIRIT




1. Welcome

2. Mind Candy

3. Local WWWinfo Ji Do Kwan

4. New Printables -  4 Times Tables

5. Technical Stuff ­ Jamie Mackenzie

6. Web Site Focus ­ Ken Burns - Docos


8. Great Sites

9.  Readers' Requests/Comments

10 Next Issue

11. Code of 'Netizens'

12. Tips


1. WELCOME EVERYONE. Every now and then you come across

someone or something THAT IS absolutely fantastic. 


Last newsletter I quoted extensively from Bill Bryson¹s book

³A Shorter History of Nearly Everything².

And, of course I have been doing some thinking about it.

This is the sort of book that should be, no, should REPLACE text books

for years 10-12. It could be used for, well, nearly every subject. 

It has none of the attributes of textbooks, that, as Bill himself

says Š²never stray too near the realm of the mildly interesting

and ..(are).. at least a long distance phone call from the frankly

interesting.²  This book is great, entertaining, amazing, profound,

informative, up-to-date and controversial ­ it has in a word

the ŒWOW¹ factor.


Discovering a teacher who is a fantastic mentor to his pupils as

well as being knowledgeable. The right teacher can make all

the difference. When both my children were keen to learn

Martial Arts, I was lucky enough to find such a teacher in

Oded Carmit, there is more info on him below, and the

Martial Art  - Ji Do Kwan. 

(pp ­ 5)



"... it only makes sense to have rich information in the classroom

if you're going to let kids ask questions and explore questions."

Jamie McKenzie



Loyalty to your country

Respect your parents

Faithfulness to your spouse

Respect your brothers and sisters

Respect your elders

Respect your teachers

Loyalty to your friends

Never take life unjustly

Loyalty to your school and Institute

Finish what you begin - Indomitable Spirit


³To attain any kind of life at all in the universe of ours appears

to be quite an achievement. As humans we are doubly lucky,

of course. We enjoy not only the privilege of existence, but

also the singular ability to appreciate it, and even in a multitude

of ways, to make it better.  It is a trick we have only just

begun to grasp.²

Bill Bryson ­ A Shorter History of Nearly Everything pp - 423


3. Local - WWWinfo  - Ji Do Kwan - "Way of Wisdom"


Oded teaches Martial Arts after hours at Rose Bay Public School

and is held in high regard there.  He teaches classes for both

children and adults at the school.


Oded teaches both my children - Thomas 15 and Catherine 13,

Martial Arts.  He is a great teacher and they both have benefited

from his instruction.  Occasionally you find someone who proves

to be an excellent mentor as well as instructor, Oded is one of these.


I often watch the end of the lessons Oded gives and I am

delighted to hear him say such things as :-

'it is really down to you to perform, how hard you work you must

decide, you alone control how well you will learn and perform.

You are in charge " to his students, to my children.


I recommend him highly, below is the electronic flyer I made

for him


I hope that other students can benefit from this excellent teacher,

one of the great ones.  Oded can be contacted direct:-

History of Ji Do Kwan



A page from Maths Hammers - 4 times tables



A Morning with Jamie McKenzie - Melbourne 28/2, Perth 10/5,

Brisbane 12/5 Sydney 18/5.


6. WEBSITE FOCUS - Ken Burns documentary Filmmaker

Documentary filmmaking has a special appeal for novice filmmakers.

Using the ³Ken Burn² effect, stills can be incorporated into docos

With great impact.  There is also an emphasis on the use of Œpersonal stories² well told, great for developing engaging writing skills.

 ³People have learned more about history from him than any text book.²




How to create Award Winning Photo DVD with Ken Burns Effect


iMovie and the Ken Burns Effect


What is a documentary Film??





We've all been afraid of them so here¹s a few for you to check out,

play with and waste plenty of time.

Feed the Fish


Tumble the Teddies




The Sun-Herald Class Scoop program is an education resource  

combining The Sun-Herald newspaper and the internet. Exercises

on this website change weekly and are designed to test the

comprehension and information retrieval skills of school students,

while developing their interest in current affairs.


Write Your Own Music FREE software ­ Mac and PC




I just wanted you to know that I tried to open up some of the

dictionaries on the site you gave us and I got a ton of porn

site pop ups -- and had a hard time stopping them. Some were

blocked right off but the music site is the one

that started it.




Please watch out for this ­ and feedback to VT any problems.

The site was

Sounds like it should be used with great discretion.


Dear Cathy,

Thanks for the great newsletter - I always find something

of interest. While we are on the topic of space, I don't know if

you've seen this site. While looking for resources on Antarctica

I went to


This site has lots of useful stuff but the best thing was when you

chose "See Antarctica from Space". There are lots of options for

different views, maps etc. and if you click on "Choose satellite"

you get an awe-inspiring list of satellites to choose from. When

I found this I set up the data projector in my room and we spent

a happy couple of hours just exploring the globe from space.

We learnt more about night and day and 24 hour time in that

session than would otherwise be possible. Of particular interest

was the view of Australia at about 9:30 am EST because we

could see that Western Aust. was still in shadow.


Regards Rose Mahar

Pacific Palms Public School


Enchanted learning is one of my all time favourite sites. 

Thanks for the advice on this updated section. It really is a

must see site ­ with none of the above complication EVER.


Hello Cathy,

a fair while back I sent you an e-mail about a new website I have

developed that I thought you may be interested in.  You had

linked to previously (after my request) and hope that

you may be able to do so again. This new site that I have created

is all about the siege at Glenrowan in 1880. I cover every

angle of the story including the present day tourism. To

teach people about the siege and last stand at Glenrowan.

To do so I use original documents from the archives where

possible. I also have used original 1880 newspapers from

across Australia and books that I feel are of value in this story.

I also have typed up the Glenrowan story as presented

by Charles White in 1895 and as seen in Australasian Sketcher.

In other words 'a one stop shop' about the Glenrowan story.

Please take a peek and you will see just how much I have

at this stage. I also have a kids corner, where kids can send

in pictures of Ned that they have drawn for me and a few

simple activities. Much of what I have is not available anywhere

else on the net, such as the list of reward recipients and a

roll call of all police present. I hope that I may be able to

assist school kids (I have 4 myself) with an understanding

of our history and perhaps assist with projects they do on the



Anyway Cathy, hope this gives you an overview of my site

and that it suits your audience. I am still involved with

the other 'Kelly' sites, however this takes up the

bulk of my time these days.


Thanks for your time, kind Regards Dave White.


This site is a standout and shouldn¹t be missed.  Suitable from

Primary to High School ­ it is soooo comprehensive. Along with

a great Novel like Ned Kelly¹s Helmut by Paul Stafford and

there¹s a terms worth of brilliant work.


10.  NEXT ISSUE ­ Something else Absolutely Fabulous.

Ciao Cathy

 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11. Code of the 'Netizens'

This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising

above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one

colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.

Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or

do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will

help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better.

OK I'm trusting you!!!


12. TIPS

1. Double click on highlighted URLS to open in browser.

2. Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with

Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.

3. Nominate a brilliant site for review and inclusion in this


4. Nominate a fantastic school site for review and inclusion in

this newsletter.

5. Make contact with other schools using fantastic programs.

6. Prepare and innovative article for this newsletter.

7. Tell 2 colleagues about this newsletter.


The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor,

Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as:

Use at your  own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't

work for you send me an email.

Editor: cathy brown


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