Virtual Teacher Newsletter  No. 65  February 14th  2003 ­  LUMINOUS BEINGS ARE WE




1. Welcome

2. Mind Candy

3. WWWinfo ­ Duty calculations

4. New Printables ­  greatsit.html

5. Technical Stuff ­ Google

6. Web Site Focus ­ iLife


8. Great Sites

9.  Readers' Requests/Comments

10 Next Issue

11. Code of 'Netizens'

12. Tips


  1. WELCOME EVERYONE.  The chaos of the first few weeks

are over, timetables are in place, students are settling in and

most classrooms are organized.  Take a look at some of the

Personal Coaching tips below when you consider your teaching style

this year, the site below has some interesting articles, well worth

discussing with your students, so that a great classroom environment

can be established from the get go.

 I have just instituted a new procedure in the Computer Lab ­

a poetic procedure ­ the students find it amusing ­ and it¹s working well. 



Yes you guessed it, if students have a problem in the Lab,

they ask 3 other students before asking me for help.  This has

already reduced the number of calls for help in the classroom

as well as allowing me to focus on one student at a time. 

I¹m thinking BIG signs, HUGE signs, all over the lab.



As Yoda tells Luke Skywalker, "Luminous beings are we."

Not just some of us. All of us.


"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing - that it was all

started by a mouse."  Who said this?? Walt Disney or Bill Gates.


Work Effectively In An Inspiring Environment



(Some interesting thoughts for setting up your classroom this year)

Are there times when you know you could be more effective and

productive? Do you want to feel more excited, enthusiastic and

inspired? Your environment plays a big part in this and discovering

an inspiring environment is a worthwhile investment in yourself and

the people you work with.


Different people are inspired by different things. Music, colours,

feelings, people,  peace and quiet and your whole environment

influence your inspiration. When you feel inspired your commitment

will be higher and you'll get more done in less time. Imagine working

in a place where you can give your absolute best................


.......What environment do you and the people you work with need

to work at an optimum level? Take the lead and discover what is

needed. Be outrageous with your ideas; don't just choose the most

obvious ones. Harness your power of choice and demonstrate that

it's possible to work in an inspiring, enthusiastic way.


Start by identifying what happens when inspiration and effectiveness

are low. Listen for ideas and clues from yourself and the people

you work with. Is your working area too cluttered, too noisy, too quiet,

too distractive? Consider what you need instead. .......................

Copyright               2002, Wendy Hearn. All rights reserved.


3. WWWInfo ­ Duty on Sale of Land or Business

Calculates duty on sale of land or business. Includes first home

buyers and duties on mortgages.






Apple website info Education - Especially for Australia ­

distinguished schools program


Local Google Search Site Launched

Here's an Internet initiative which might well interest many schools.

At this new Australian google search-engine web site, people have the

option of just searching "Pages from Australia" which, being Australian

web sites, are subject to Australian laws regarding obscene etc content.


In other words, if teachers suggest where appropriate that students limit

their web searches to Australian pages, via this new google resource, it's

very likely they will not experience any obscene pages scattered amongst

the search engine findings .. and something schools might like as an option


The Alliance of Charters Towers State Schools, Charters Towers, North Qld

will be hosting Roadworks II - Paving Pathways to Pedagogies Conference on

16-17 May. Focussing specifically on teaching and learning, the conference

is suitable for educators at all levels. Internationally recognised speakers

including Dr Ross Todd (School of Communication, Library & Information

Studies, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey), Mia OíBrien (Teaching

& Educational Development Institute) and Dr Phil Cam (Organisational

Development, University of New South Wales) will be in attendance. Workshops

will also be hosted by the 3 keynote speakers as well as Garry Collins

(Reading, Writing, Grammar Development), Karen Bonanno (Information

Literacy), Stepanie Whelan (Managing Bullying, Communicating with

Teenagers), Paul Wilson (Indigenous Education, Boys in Education),

Letterland (Literacy/Numeracy Development). Full conference details are

available from Kelly - email



The new Macintosh software released by Steve Jobs on January

8th 2003 is fantastic.  iLife is exactly where computer use is going,

and allows ease of functionality never before seen, finally computers

maybe living up to expectations.

iLife includes incredible new versions of iPhoto, iMovie and iDVD

with dozens of advanced new features, all seamlessly integrated

to allow users to easily access their digital music, photos and movies

from within each application. For example, users can now select

music from their iTunes library to use in their iPhoto slideshows,

movies or DVD menus from directly within iPhoto 2, iMovie 3 or

iDVD 3‹without interrupting the creative process by having to

switch back and forth between applications.


iPhoto 2 now includes one-click photo Enhance, which can dramatically

 improve less-than-perfect pictures;(works faster easier and better than photoshop) a new Retouch tool for removing scratches, hair, lens

dirt, etc.; photo archiving to a CD or DVD to preserve and share

your iPhoto library; and the ability to email photos with one click

using Mac OS X Mail, Eudora, Entourage and AOL.


iMovie 3 features pro-quality special effects, including the new

³Ken Burns² effect for adding emotionally powerful motion to still

photos; powerful new audio editing tools and blockbuster sound

effects from Skywalker Sound¹s seven-time Academy Award

winner Gary Rydstrom; pro-quality special video effects such

as Aged Film, Letterbox and Earthquake; and the ability to

add chapter markers to movies for DVD navigation and

scene selection.


iDVD 3 includes 24 new pro-quality, Apple-designed, customisable

DVD menu themes;(these have to be seen to be believed ­

they are exceptional) automatically created DVD scene selection

menus from iMovie chapter markers; and the ability to personalise

iDVD 3 themes with personal photos, music and movies using

iDVD Drop Zones.

The iLife applications will be included with all new Macintosh

computers. iPhoto 2 and iMovie 3 are available for free download at

The iLife retail package $95 AUD



Here are some great sites to use in a unit on energy and/or

simple machines. Excellent site. inventions by Leonardo

Da Vinci - Don't forget to complete the quiz on gadget

anatomy, and play Leonardo's Mystery machine


Simple Machines and how to make them using lego.


WebQuest: Wind, Water, Sun & Coal

Great webquest Year 3 up




Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre ­ Be blown

Away by the contribution of Australian Scientists to science.

Take the Bright SPARCS link to find your favourite scientist.


National Inventors Hall of Fame Index of Inventions

More suited to secondary schools the information contained in the

alphabetic index of inventions.


3M Invention Unit - A wonderful step-by-step unit helping

students  plan, develop and market their own original

inventions with a very practical approach as they move from

scout to wizard to critic and trail blazer.


Build a Bridge - Sponsored by NOVAonline, this site requires

participants to study bridge structures and determine

the strengths and weaknesses of each before playing an

interactive game


Invention Playhouse - The Lemelson Center for the Study of

Invention and Innovation offers this virtual play lab where

students can explore the connections between play and invention.


Ronald J. Riley's Internet Pages - Recognized by MIT's

Invention Dimension, this scientist offers a unique perspective

on becoming an inventor for kids - there's even a special

section encouraging girls in the sciences.


Edheads - Simple Machines Activities - an innovative,

interactive experiences, that are engaging and promote

critical thinking skills. This is done by designing

applications that make hard-to-teach concepts understandable

using the power and interactivity of the Internet. Right now,

it consists of "Simple Machines" which promotes exploring and

identifying over 50 different machines, from the super simple

to the hideously hard!



Copyright friendly images for education



This is a great site - have the children take a quiz- there is

a children's sections and the animals sections is also suitable

 for younger grades.  have the children select and take a quiz

and print out their results. If you are planning a trivia night this

is the right site for you.


Excellent Physics Experiments at this site.

The resource describes this and many more wacky, weird and

most of all fun physics demonstrations, which were presented

at Physics on Stage 2, a Europe-wide teachers' event held

last spring in the Netherlands.

Scroll down to the bottom and click on

Click here for some exciting demonstrations from Physics on Stage 2


Free book Notes - High School sites

Guidebook Heaven - summaries of english Texts and guides




Dear Cathy,

Went into your last email to find " Scope and Sequence of

Computer-Based skills K-6" for school but confess I cannot find it. 

Could you please send it to me again.  Why is this not in the

curiculum? If you have time, please send ASAP for our

programing.  Love your newsletter.  

Thanks, Margaret


Hi Margaret,

Scope and sequence can be downloaded from

Scroll own to programming documents.




Dear Cathy,

I have been teaching uni students in China for the past 2 years,

and now have to write a course on Cross-cultural Education.

There is a lot of information and a stack of good books, but I am

trying to make a work/study interactive book, so that my final year

students can not only refer to web sites, test themselves, research

and so on, but also use the book as a tool for teaching about

cultures to their students in turn....I start with the local culture...

then the Province and then the Country...before moving to other



What I CANNOT find and am desperate for, are Videos, Dvd's

Vcd's or anything with those 'worlds funniest commercials' or

world's weirdest commercials'


There are sites that offer streaming videos clips. but for the

classroom ( we are not a rich college) I would like to find

somewhere to BUY tapes. Do you have any suggestions,

or maybe some other teachers have found this elusive product???

all the best for the year of the Sheep !



"phil farraday" <>

Can anyone help Phil???


Hi Cathy

I want to start a newsletter for our kids at school. I have no

idea how to do it. How did you set yours up? It works pretty efficiently.

Great sites in the latest newsletter!




Hi Daphne,

I run mojo for my mail system which is an online mailing system.

Can be tricky to set up.

You can also simply mail out to students using multiple

ccs(carbon copy - you see these on incoming emails) or

bccs(blind carbon copy - these are not seen on other emails).  

These can be problematic as some ISPs will bounce them

after say 10 have been sent this way.  However if you cc about

10 email addresses per email this should work just fine for

your class.  Try a few experiments by sending the emails to

yourself and check out the results.




Dear Cathy,

I am an Aussie teacher working in the UK on a new project

and would appreciate any help and ideas from the wealth of

experience in Australia. I am in Derbyshire setting up the first

virtual classroom for permanently excluded students. There is

not much information out there about this type of adventure so

if any one is doing this already I would love to hear from them.

We will be using Learnlinc for our interactive classroom.

Thanks for the great newsletters.

Best wishes from the snow.

Kym Rodgers

Derbyshire County Behaviour Support Service


Has anyone done this???  Love to hear about it.





10.  NEXT ISSUE -  We¹ll be ŒExploring Leonardo², and also

looking at The International year of Fresh Water- which is ­ you

guessed it 2003.


11. Code of the 'Netizens'

This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising

above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one

colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.

Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or

do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will

help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better.

OK I'm trusting you!!!


12. TIPS

1. Double click on highlighted URLS to open in browser.

2. Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with

Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.

3. Nominate a brilliant site for review and inclusion in this


4. Nominate a fantastic school site for review and inclusion in

this newsletter.

5. Make contact with other schools using fantastic programs.

6. Prepare and innovative article for this newsletter.

7. Tell 2 colleagues about this newsletter.


The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor,

Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as:

Use at your  own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't

work for you send me an email.

Editor: cathy brown
