Virtual Teacher Newsletter  No. 62  November  29th  2002 ­ FANTSTIC PHOTOGRAPHIC




1. Welcome

2. Mind Candy

3. WWWinfo Anything Anytime

4. New Printables -  Photo Vote

5. Technical Stuff ­ Emac and Ibook, Seminars in Queensland

6. Web Site Focus - Niehs Kids Pages

7. Digital Imagery - Fantastic Photographic Competition

8. Great Sites

9.  Readers' Requests/Comments

10 Next Issue

11. Code of 'Netizens'

12. Tips



I am still getting subscribers writing to me about receiving garbled

VT newsletter.  Particularly from, and,, at the moment.  This is because SPAM software is

used on these ISPs.  You can test this by using yahoo email,

or most other online email service providers.  Set yourself up with

an email address and subscribe to Virtual Teacher.  The VT you

will get will be just fine.  The only thing to do is to let your ISP

know you want VT to be white listed, or use a free email adderss

like yahoo to subscribe to VT.  This is a bit of a pain in the neck,

and these ISPs should be told that you don't like having your mail

garbled before you get it.  Take some action and let them know

you want your mail left alone. If you want to filter your mail just

select aspects of email you regularly receive that you don't want

ie the 'senders' email address and send them straight to the trash. 

I am much happier to look after my own SPAM than have the

SPAM police do it indiscriminately for me.



Hereıs a few more fourth term jokes to make everyone laugh. 

Give them out on as a set and ask students to present them

for the laugh.  Add some of your own. Timing is everything.


FATHER: How are your grades, son?

SON: Under water, Dad.

FATHER: Under water? What do you mean?

SON: They're below C level.

SMART STUDENT: I'm taking French, Spanish, and Algebra

this year.

LESS SMART STUDENT: Okay. Let me hear you say

"good evening" in Algebra.

If April showers bring May flowers then what do May

flowers bring?


What's in the middle of a jellyfish?

A jellybutton

Why did the parrot wear a raincoat?

So he could be polyunsaturated

Why do elephants never forget?

Because nobody ever tells them anything

Why did the baker stop making donuts?

He got sick of the hole business

Why were the suspenders sent to jail?

For holding up a pair of trousers


3.WWWInfo  Anything Anytime on VT

Find anything anytime at the Virtual Teacher site easily

Just type in your request in the Google search engine on the

directory page


Job Vacancies Independent schools



Fantastic Photographic Competition Voting Form.

Use this to assess the results of the Digital photos

Competition - Outline below.



The new Apple EMAC is a real winner.  The educational prices

on this machine make it fantastic for teachers and schools. 

It has the superdrive, which means a CD/CDRW/AND DVD rom

The price on the Emac is a incredible. Itıs just $2,295 include GST

The Ibooks are brilliant as well ­  portable computers to swell

classroom computer numbers when required.  Great for report

writing anywhere anytime.,82


Here are some upcoming events at The Learning Place


You and your colleagues are invited to join us for a 3 day

vacation workshop on course building using online genres and

The Learning Place.

Dates Monday 20th January to Wednesday 22nd January

More information at


December 8 to 13, 2002

During Frog Week, The Learning Place will feature Frog experts who will

participate in a range of online chats and forums for students and teachers.

Visit the Learning Place today and register for Frog week.

For more information, contact Sonya Watts.


Visit this project room to find out more about Learning Objects and how they

can be used in the curriculum. Visit the

then select Chat then Project rooms -you will need your learning place login


Join this forum to discuss Productive Pedagogies and how they have impacted

on teachers

work. Visit the

then select Forums then Teachers Forum -you will need your learning place login


'Writing Online Courses'

Get started using The Learning Place to transform classroom learning

activities using online pedagogy and tools as part of your integrated range

of strategies. Courses starting now

'Basic online skills'

A free course on Windows and basic Internet skills available to Education

Queensland staff. Individual school course sites are available on



View the work of QUT students in creating an online course for teachers

about the use of spreadsheets and databases. Look for Case studies under

Spotlight on the Learning Place home page.


Professional Learning Online Tool

PLOT is an online resource to support professional learning at a whole

school level.

PLOT contains concrete 'pictures' of quality learning and

teaching in action, and the very practical 'how-toıs of building a

professional community of adults.

PLOT provides you with a powerful professional learning

resource for your staff.

Joan Dalton author of 'Adventures in Thinking', 'I Teach' and PLOT

will maintain the site and contribute to the forums in PLOT.

Education Queensland has entered into a 'Standing offer

arrangement' with PLOT so our schools receive PLOT at a 70%

discount for a year's subscription.

Subscribe online and an invoice will be posted to your school.

For more information contact


6. WEBSITE FOCUS ­ Niehs Kids Pages

This is a fantastic site ­ well worth a couple of hours to look over

Great for Primary/K-6 children and their teachers.

They have a great selection with audio of songs


7.  DIGITAL IMAGERY ­ Fantastic Photographic Competition

This is a great idea, Fantastic in fact.  A photographic competition

for everyone.

1. Students take digital photos ­ The Sony Mavica is a great

Camera for this ­ the floppy disk version.

2. Import them into PowerPoint  as backgrounds or full screen shots.

VT TIP: Make up a template for each class or group within the

class, this is easily done by duplicating slides and then saving

presentations with different names eg Y1, Y2, group1, group2,

martians, neptunians, jupitarians etc. Use the labels below,

standardise the fonts and Bob's your Uncle.

3. The slide preceding their photo contains the following:-





4. Insert all the smaller slide shows into one big slide show

(PowerPoint, insert menu, slides from).


Then promote the FFFanastic Photographic Competition,

invite one and all, and have a mega showing.  This is just

great using a digital projector ( the Sony VPLCS5 1800 Lumens is perfect and well prices )

on a big screen in the assembly hall with mums and dads

watching and marveling at their children's work.  Quite spectacular.

5. Each viewer is asked to choose the entry they like the

best.  Use the criteria in the printable, one to each man

woman and child.  They vote for the best picture. This can

be done by using the computer on the big screen, goto slide

sorter view in PowerPoint and select the slide number.

6. 4-10 "winners" from the vote count, every voters feedback

sheet can go back to the original photographers.  Present the

winners with a certificate and/or prize.

7. Blow up the winning entries and frame them for the school foyer.


Learning outcomes in this activity are huge.  Use of digital

camera, importing photos onto computer, inserting pictures

into PowerPoint, adding text, using the slide sorter, making

judgments about pictures to do with composition, emotion,

and what makes a good photo. The best part is the response

from the audience for the studentsı efforts.


You can also choose a topic for the Photographic competition

like, School Daze, Shine, or my personal favourite Smile.


This is a goody all round, good PR value, good learning outcomes,

motivational, not too time consuming, not to teacher intensive,

Spectacular results.  Go forth and Photograph..




More for Christmas

A great idea for Christmas is to take digital photos of students or

teachers and let the children turn them into Christmas Cards. 

The best ones I have seen are teachers turned into Santa Claus. 

The children think this is soooo funny, just print them on the front

of some red paper and let the children fill in the words inside.


Mindless useless time wasting site - I just love it, pop bubble

wrap until your heart's content - supposedly very therapeutic

after a hard year of teaching.


Journey into Amazonia (PBS)

Journey into Amazonia features the swollen rivers, flooded forests, and

dense canopy of the vast rain forest recognized as one of Earth's

natural wonders. Classroom Resources are designed to help you use this

Web site, other material on the Internet, and the Journey Into Amazonia

videos (not required). These materials are designed for upper

elementary, middle, or high school students (grades 5-10) although

extension suggestions may help you modify them for younger or older

students. Divided into 3 episodes that correspond to the PBS broadcasts:

1) Waterworlds, features the churning waters of the world's mightiest

river; 2) Land Reborn, reveals a new world teeming with predators; 3)

Episode 3: The Big Top, the luxuriant mantle of the world's greatest

rainforest. Also includes an interactive game.



Graphics Library Index

Direct links to free graphics of the sort we're always looking for. In

return for providing a link back to the site, you may use any of these

graphics. According to the site, these images have been collected from

various newsgroups and public domain sources, and all are believed to be

free of copyright (always a good idea to double-check). Sections

include: African American related, Out West, Kith 'n Kin (vintage

graphics), "Hot" Desktop Wallpapers, Backgrounds, School Daze, Creature

Corner, Baby Book, and Seasonal.



Hi Cathy,

I am a 3rd year Education student (primary) at Deakin Uni in

 Melbourne. A teacher I am on rounds with emailed your newsletter

to me as I was really interested in good sites.

Cathy, I neeeeeeed to subscribe to you, so could you please forward

the info to me please.

I think your site is brilliant!

Thank you,

Kay Panna.


Welcome Aboard



Dear Cathy

I am writing to inform you of my new email address.

I am coming out from the UK in January to teach in a school in

Northam WA. This will be a whole new experience for me.

Have you got any tips or advice

to pass on?

Kind Regards



Hi Rosemary,

What a change, WA is a beautiful State, I don't know much about

Northam.  You will find it all more relaxed and easy going, and

much more casual.  Good teaching is good teaching everywhere,

however I think generally in Australia we are developing towards

a much more child centred approach to teaching based on

negotiation and meeting specific children's needs.  I notice the

authority is passing in some situations from the teacher to the

student, the student taking responsibility for the learning.

Iıll run the letter in the next newsletter and see what comes back.




What advice can others offer???????


GıDay Cathy,

As a classroom teacher Iıve enjoyed your newsletter for a while

its time get my school more involved too.

Keep up your marvelous work.


See you later,

Paul Petersen


Jamberoo Public School

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here

 on earth."

                               Mohammed Ali


Hi Paul,

Thanks a lot. Paul anytime you would like to send in some editorial please do, input is greatly appreciated.




Dear Cathy,

                  I am a primary school principal who enjoys reading your newsy and well produced fortnightly newsletter. I have suggested to all my teachers that they subscribe. Thank you for providing great ideas, links and feedback to the education community. Keep up the good work!



Could you please include my friend Lin on your list?  Her e-mail is

and she would really appreciate receiving the newsletter.

I certainly enjoy many of the different activities and hints you have

contained in it.

thanks  Margaret Leditschke

Hi Cathy,

Thanks for your prompt reply; I have enjoyed being able to read the newsletter finally.

I spoke to my webmaster and he suggested that I should have chosen text message? for my newsletter choice. If thatıs the case I had better change to that delivery of the newsletter.

Thanks for help

Cheers, Leon

Hi Leon,

Donıt think Text message will change the format of the newsletter received,  let me know if it does so I can tell others with this trouble.


10.  NEXT ISSUE -  Will be the last newsletter for the year.  I have

been chatting with the folk from Learnz, a wonderful new online program

and will let you know about this next newsletter.




11. Code of the 'Netizens'

This Newsletter is not free, despite the misleading advertising

above. The Fee is now due. Each week you must help one

colleague on the Internet who has less knowledge than you.

Help that person even if you have to visit their classroom or

do a little research and get back to them. Trust me, this will

help a lot of people get their computer classrooms running better.

OK I'm trusting you!!!


12. TIPS

1. Double click on highlighted URLS to open in browser.

2. Send in your Questions, Questions will be published with

Answers, send in your Answers, if you have expertise to share.

3. Nominate a brilliant site for review and inclusion in this


4. Nominate a fantastic school site for review and inclusion in

this newsletter.

5. Make contact with other schools using fantastic programs.

6. Prepare and innovative article for this newsletter.

7. Tell 2 colleagues about this newsletter.


The opinions expressed here are purely those of the editor,

Cathy Brown. All other small print clauses apply. Such as:

Use at your  own risk. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If it doesn't

work for you send me an email.

Editor: cathy brown
